- Chapter 37 -

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He looks down at it, humming slightly as starts to pinpoint locations with the black charcoal.

 "Over here is one, a little one over here, most of these are small locations. No one actually knows where the main base is other than some higher ups trusted by the boss. This one is pretty big and most of the raids done is this area are done by this group right here."

 He makes a big circle around one location. Mr. Toshinori looks at the map, his brows furrowed.

 "That town? But that's at least a week's trip from here..."

 Izuku doesn't meet his eyes and takes the map from the man, telling him that's all the information he needs. The man eagerly looks at him, eyes hopeful.

 "I can go now, right? I told you all you needed to know right?" 

Izuku nods and pats his shoulder, using his other hand to stab him in the throat. His eyes widen further, and he puts his hands to his wound, letting out a choked out. 


 It only takes a minute or two before the man finally stops breathing, crumpled up on the ground. He couldn't let that man live. Even if they kept him here, there is a chance that he would hurt Mr. Toshinori. 

Even then, there was even a slight chance that the man would make it somewhere and would tell someone of his existence. It would be better if he could go about his search for his mother's killer anonymously.

 Izuku rolls up the map and looks back at Mr. Toshinori, who is looking at the body of the man with slight pity. He apologizes for killing him inside and tells him that he'll drag him out somewhere when he leaves. Mr. Toshinoris eyes widen as he looks away from the body and to him.

 "Going? You're leaving so soon? Izuku it's going to take days for you to get all the way to that town, you can't just-"

 Izuku puts a hand up to stop the man's beginning rant, calmly stating that he wouldn't be leaving tonight but early in the morning. This doesn't make the man feel any better as he begins to pace, hands in the air as he gestures wildly. 

"I thought I'd at least have a couple more days, months before you ran off on your own Izuku! I, I can't-"

 Izuku goes over to him and puts his hands on his shoulders, trying to steady the man. Mr. Toshinori looks back at him, his eyes filling slowly as he sniffs. He wraps his thin arms around Izuku and squeezes. He stands there, slowly hugging him back. 

"I'm... not ready to say goodbye to my son, Izuku."

 The man's voice is soft and weak sounding, shaky almost. He doesn't say anything about it, just pats the man's back once. He tells him that he'll write any chance he gets, and that he'll visit when he can. That he won't be gone forever and that he'll come back to see him. 

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