- Chapter 23 -

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When he's close enough, he watches as the rabbits' ears twitch and how its foot presses deeper into the snow. Without wasting another second, he lunges at the animal. It goes to run away but Izuku lands right next to it, arms out. 

He grips the rabbits middle, and it squirms and kicks wildly. It scratches and bites his hands and lower arms, but he wrestles in the snow, pinning it down with his hands. The rabbit begins to shake, back legs kicking to try and dig itself out. 

Izuku holds it securely with one little hand and takes the knife in the other, holding it up, aimed at the animal. Its beady eyes are blown wide, and Izuku can feel its heartbeat under his hand.

"Izuku, you must always respect the life that is giving you the energy to live your own. Without that respect, then what you are doing is selfishly killing, and that is not noble. Do you understand what i mean?"

Izuku watches the animal squirm and kick, and he closes his eyes. 

Thank you for dying so that i could live on. I'm sorry that i had to do this to you. 

"Young man, now that you have it pinned, let me-" 

Izuku plunges the knife into the back of the rabbits' neck, the blade going through and digging into the snow. Blood splatters onto his face and in the snow around them, turning it red. He stands up, gently picking the rabbit up in one arm and cleaning his blade with the other hand, putting it back to his belt. 

He turns to Mr. Toshinori, who looks at him with wide blue eyes. Izuku doesn't say anything, going to the sled and wrapping the rabbit's corpse with twine and brown paper. He looks back at the man and points in the direction of the house. 

He asks if they can go home now, and the other just nods. It takes them the rest of the afternoon to go home. Izuku ties the dogs up to their posts, feeding them the leftover food from this morning's breakfast before going back inside. 

Mr. Toshinori still hasn't spoken the entire walk back, and even now as he's setting out the plates. Izuku begins to eat, the rabbit stew getting rid of his hunger. 

"What you did today..."

 Izuku looks at him. Mr. Toshinori is looking at the bowl in his hands, a pensive expression on his face. Izuku asks what about it. Why was he acting so strange? Maybe he's just surprised that Izuku could do it on his own since he never let him before.

 But isn't that a good thing? He should be patting Izuku's shoulder and telling him that he did a good job, but he looks so worried. Izuku watches him closely, gripping his bowl between his hands. He doesn't like the look on his face. Mr. Toshinori looks back at him, and stares.

 Izuku waits for him to say something, but the man just twists his mouth and looks back down. 


 Izuku continues to eat. 

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