- Chapter 67 -

163 11 2

- Izuku - 

The similarities between this man and those monsters are not surprising to him. It's no shock that this organization is full of sick people. He wants to know if anyone else is in charge of the area his home is in, since that is how it looks like these people run things. 

He wants to know every single one of them so that he can tear their skin off and feed it to them. He wants to rip them apart and watch them freeze to death. This guy looked huge and impossible to fight when Izuku was looking up at him. 

But now, with his knife dug into his stomach, he realizes that he's smaller than the bear he fought. He sees the man's fist raise; his face contorted in anger. He wants to rip it off of him. He has one second to react, putting his arms around his own neck to try and at least soften the blow. 

The shock that follows him getting hit is to be expected, but that doesn't take away from how much it hurts. He's surprised his arms didn't break; his vision slightly hazy. Still dizzy, he takes the knife out of the man's stomach and changes his angle, charging his blade right up to his throat. 

His eyes bug out but before he can hit him again, Izuku uses all of his body weight to push the blade deeper, the two of them falling off of the horse. The man's head cracks against the concrete loudly, and Izuku pulls the knife out of his throat. 

Blood splatters and stains his face and his scarf, and he can see the panic in the man's eyes as he chokes and sputters. Izuku watches him for a second, only to pull his blade out again. It's only him and this monster. He tilts his knife, right under the man's fat cheek. 

Carefully, his body holding the man down, he begins to cut the skin, watching it peel and push over his knife. The gargling doesn't stop, echoing in his ears. If this guy stays alive long enough, then maybe he'll get to feel Izuku taking the skin off of his face. 

He continues, making it right under his eye socket, feeling the metal push against the bone of his skull. Just a couple more minutes and- 


He jolts, stopping his knife. His eyes look at the man's dull ones. He's already dead. He looks at Katsuki, who is looking at the guy with a grossed out look, then back at him. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" 

Why is he looking at him like that? Izuku looks at all of the bodies on the floor, Fenrir still busy eating the remains of one of the guys. He slips his blade back to its original spot, the familiar weight grounding him some more. He gets up from the corpse and looks at Katsuki, who stares back at him with a harsh look. 

"Sorry, I..." 

He can't think of anything else to say. Fenrir looks at him, fur covered in blood, most of it around his face. 

"I got distracted." 

Katsuki stares at him, the look of disgust fading slightly, before he huffs. 

"Your ass could have gotten killed; you were too reckless. Get your fucking shit together." 

For some reason, he feels a small weight he didn't even know was there lift off of his shoulders. He nods and straightens out again, standing taller. 

"Right. Sorry kacchan."

 Katsuki looks down at the corpses and nudges one with his foot, his brows furrowed, and his lips turned up in a slight scowl. 

"I'm not cleaning this shit up." 

From behind him, Izuku sees one of the doors to the shop open, and someone looks at them through the crack. Two other people stare at them from the windows. 

"Um, kacchan? People are watching us." 

Katsuki turns around and the people open the door, coming out. Almost like causing a chain reaction, more people begin to come out of the shops and houses. Izuku would have never guessed that so many people could fit in one small building, because at least twenty people come out of the shop, and the same is for all the other shops in town. 

With the number of people comes chatter, people asking questions to each other and whispering. Katsuki instantly takes a step back, and Izuku does too, the number of people surprising the both of them. 

The first man that stepped out is a lot older than them, but when he looks at the corpses on the ground and their bloodied faces, tears come to his eyes and he drops to his knees, head touching the ground. 

"Thank you, thank you!" 

Izuku can't think of why he's thanking them, but then more people are bowing to them and crying. 

"Thank you so much for getting rid of those monsters! They were taking our money, and when we couldn't pay-!" 

Katsuki and him glance at each other, not knowing what to do. Izuku puts his hands up, looking back at the man. 

"There is no need to thank us, we were just passing through looking for some jobs." 

The man lifts his head, his face red and his eyes puffy. 


Izuku nods, and then the sound of a door opening comes from behind them. The old woman from before steps out, resting her weight on a wooden cane, the top having a silver metal lion head. She wobbles slightly, her eyes dark and sunken. But when her eyes land on the crowd, she lifts one wrinkled hand. 

"Let me take care of it... Everyone else, please get rid of the bodies." 

The man hesitates for a second before getting up from the ground and bowing deeply. 

"Thank you again. Thank you so much." 

Izuku gives him a polite nod, Katsuki turning away from him to focus on the old woman, who looks at the two of them grimly.

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