- Chapter 20 -

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Or at least, those were his thoughts before they started. He asks Mr. Toshinori why he's wearing so many coats and scarves when his normal jacket is just fine. The skeleton like man shakes his head. 

"Young man, this is not about staying warm! That is only part of it. For this part of your training, you will run all the way to the big wooden post i put up this morning! Then, you are going to come back and do it all over again!"

 He yells it so that Izuku can hear it over the wind and the snow. Izuku looks in the distance, trying to find the wooden post. He doesn't see it, but it can't be that far can it? 

"And if i catch you walking, you have to start all over again! Do you understand?!" 

He nods and Mr. toshinori gives him a thumbs up. The man is covered up to stay warm against the cold, but not nearly as covered as Izuku is. He has the dogs tied to his own sled, smaller than Izuku's since it only fits the man, and the animals are rowdy, ready to go. 

"I will be watching you the whole time, so don't you slack off!" 

Izuku watches as the man gets on the sled, and with rope tying the dogs, he signals them to set off. The dogs run, pulling the man. Izuku takes a deep breath and slowly lets it out. This won't be that bad. He has short legs since he's little, but that won't stop him! 

His feet dig into the snow as he gets ready to run. 


Mr. Toshinori yells in the distance, and Izuku kicks off, running in the direction the man went in. At first, it's just the burning of his lungs and face because of the cold, but then, the further he gets, the more he questions where the heck this wooden post is. 

That's when his limbs start to feel heavy, and he knows that he's been running for a matter of minutes. His ribs start to hurt after thirty, and then he can't even pick up his feet anymore. He trips, falling face first into the snow.

 He lays there, his face burning. He hears the sled pulling up and looks over. Mr. Toshinori shakes his head, the dogs panting. 


He groans, digging himself out of the snow and stumbling up to his feet.

 "Is this the same boy who set off into the snow all by himself with no destination in sight?! You can do better than this!" 

Izuku feels himself getting pumped up again despite his freezing limbs. Mr. Toshinori puts a fist up in encouragement. 

"That a boy! Keep at it!" 

Izuku takes one step back in the direction he came. At least he can catch a little break walking back. That is until the man yells over the wind again. 

"Who said you could walk?!"

 Izuku groans again, beginning to run back to the house. 

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