- Chapter 22 -

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It takes months to build up his stamina. Every single morning into late at night, Izuku wakes up and starts to run. He has started to notice the small changes, like how his ribs don't hurt when he runs longer or how he doesn't feel like his heart is going to burst when he breathes. 

Now, it's just a matter of time. He's gotten closer to the dogs, not really fearing them anymore. They lick at his face and sleep with him when they get to be inside, waking him up most of the time. 

He gets to hear more and more stories about Mr. Toshinori, who was called All Might during his time in the war. From what Izuku can gather, the war was about different groups fighting over which one was the strongest in different ways, like food and land.

 Mr. Toshinori always says he's too young to understand it just yet, so Izuku doesn't think that much into it. He just likes to listen to the man tell his tales late into the night. When they aren't training, Mr. Toshinori teaches him some stuff. 

He takes his maps and things from his sled and moves them in, much to the man's clear delight. He probably likes the feeling of someone living in the house. 

"Let me show you the easiest routes young man until you know them by heart." 

Mr. Toshinori has maps of his own, but of stars and the sky. He teaches Izuku how to read the stars, how they will lead him in a certain direction when he's lost. One thing that Izuku is especially good at is using a knife. 

His mom never really let him use the knives if it wasn't an emergency, so Izuku was surprised when Mr. Toshinori handed him one. 

"You have to know how to cut up the food you catch, or you'll starve on your own." 

He even gets to catch game with everyone! Mr. Toshinori takes the dogs and the sled, and they walk until they see signs of animals nearby. It takes a while since Izuku is still new to it, but Mr. Toshinori is patient. 

"Look at the ground. An animal leaves tracks, things you can follow. When we find them above the snow, it means it can't be that far off."

 Izuku listens and looks around the white sea of snow. His eyes catch something, and he walks over to it. Footprints, long and padded. He turns back, his scarf moving in the wind. He tightens his gloved hands around the fabric to bring it closer to himself. 

He calls the man over, telling him about the footprints. A smile passes onto his face, and he pats Izuku's shoulder, a habit of his.

 "Nice work young man." 

Izuku nods and they spend the rest of the afternoon tracking the rabbit, keeping close to footprints. Finally, when Izuku feels like he's going to freeze, Mr. Toshinori signals him to stop, silent. 

Izuku does so, watching closely. The man points in front of them and Izuku looks over. In the snow is a white rabbit, almost unseen with the cover of the wind blowing. Mr. Toshinori hangs back, the dogs tense, watching the animal. 

They don't move, and Izuku knows what that means. He feels for the knife hanging on his red belt and grips the hilt. He starts to step towards the rabbit as quietly as he can.

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