- Chapter 2 -

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This place, the warm cabin barely being kept together, keeping them protected from the ocean of white outside, would be Izuku's one and only home. It was a small bubble, for just him and his mother.

That is, until they came. His mother had seen them first, quickly standing and turning to Izuku, who sat unaware, waiting for warm soup. She gripped his hand in hers, tears pricking her eyes.

"Izu, my baby, I need you to listen to mommy this once, please..."

Thats when he realized that she had known. This whole time, she had known he had gone outside in the night, leaving their little bubble they built together. And now she was begging him to listen.

So he did.

She smiled and looked around, panicked. They would never make it if they ran out of the cabin, into the harsh snow. Izuku could hear the sound of barking hounds, making his skin crawl. She gave him a shaky smile and caressed his face with her scared, warm hands.

He knew this habit, this ritual. But... It suddenly felt so different. He didn't like it. He gripped her hand.

"I know your scared baby, i know. But you need to be a good boy and hide in the cellar, ok? And-"

Her voice broke and she stifled her sobs as best she could. Izuku could hear yelling and laughter from outside. Tears ran down her face as she took a shaky breath.

"And no matter what you hear, what you see, please promise mommy you'll stay hidden in the cellar."

Izuku stared at her, his heart racing. He wants to yell, to beg for her to come hide with him. She shook her head, gripping his hand.

"I cant go with you baby. If both of us hide, they will find us. I'm going to protect you, Izuku. Mommy is going to keep you safe. Promise me, after you don't hear anything anymore, count to 100. You remember baby, you are so good at counting your big numbers."

She cries, the sound of something breaking in the distance makes her flinch. He shakes his head, tears coming down his face.

"Y-You are such a good boy Izuku, you've been mommy's little helper this whole time. Without you, i don't think i could have made it this far. I love you so so much my baby, mommy loves you with all of her heart..."

More tears.

He didn't like this. He wants her to go with him. They could try and run into the snow, maybe then...

"So promise me that you'll do what i asked."

He stares into her eyes. He doesn't want to let go. He isn't big enough yet. He still can't remember his long words, he can't tie his gloves and coat by himself, he still needs help cutting the potatoes for her soup, he-

"I know you can do it Izuku. So promise me. Promise you'll listen."

Izuku stares into her determined eyes, committing every reflection of light to memory.

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