- Chapter 72 -

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- Katsuki - 

Running is the last thing he thought they would be doing. When the nerd said training, he was thinking more like sparring and shit. But no, here he is, running through the forest following x marks on trees with said nerd following right on his ass. 

But he guesses they have to start somewhere. It's kind of creepy how quiet his footsteps are, and he can feel his stupid green eyes staying right on him. He glares at him but then keeps his eyes ahead, the trees with the marks carved into them passing him quickly. 

This would be a fucking walk in the park. He's done a shit ton of farm work while being a slave, this shit is nothing! 






"Kacchan, go back." 

He stops, glaring at Deku while trying to catch his breath. 


Another second to breathe. 

"The fuck are you talking about Deku?!" 

The bastard looks down at him, stoic as ever. His green eyes are lit up in the moonlight even with his dark curls casting shadows over them. 

"You stopped. You have to go back now." 

God damnit! He runs back, cursing Deku the whole way. He starts again, only getting a little further from his previous spot before being forced to start again.

"Go again Kacchan."

"Go back kacchan."


"Start again Kacchan."





He doesn't know how many times he has had to go back now, and constantly being told to go back is starting to piss him off. But of course, the nerd is unbothered. 

"It's okay Kacchan. I was pretty frustrated when I first started, you're already showing progress."

 His words are only serving to make his blood boil even more, and he glares at him.


He seethes through his teeth. 

"If I beat your ass in a sparring match, then we have to skip this bullshit and move on to the good shit!" 

The nerd shakes his head immediately. 

"We can't skip this kacchan. I know your impatient, but this will-" 

"I'm not fucking impatient shit nerd! I just know I don't need to do this!" 

Deku doesn't say anything, thinking for a bit. They are back at the campsite, the campfire still burning. Fenrir is probably long gone, tired of waiting for Katsuki to catch up and running off somewhere. Finally, Deku nods. 

"Okay. If you beat me, we'll go right to the other stuff. But if I win, then you have to try over and over until you can reach the end. Deal?" 

Deku holds his hand out, and Katsuki roughly shakes it. 


Deku backs up from him, positioning himself so that the campfire is in the middle of them, but not in the way. Katsuki rolls his eyes. Fucking finally. He stands up and brushes himself off, taking a couple of steps back so the space between them is about equal.

Deku gets into a fighting position, almost reaching his blade but stopping, putting his guard up without the weapon. It must be a habit. Katsuki does the same, somewhat mirroring his stance, which he makes a point to fucking ignore. 

Now, he knows that this shit nerd (Barely!) has more experience than him at fighting, so this might need some effort. Katsuki has been in fights before other than the ones recently, and hell, he cut a guys fucking head off! He can take- 

Deku is right in front of him when he blinks, swinging left. He barely blocks with his arms, though the force of it sends him staggering slightly. He glares and yells, 

"You didn't say go fucker! Cheating ass-!" 

Deku is on him again, and he sees him throw another punch that he barely dodges. But that's all he gets when he suddenly feels his body lift and then his back slams into the ground. His vision spins for only a moment, the stars in the sky filling his mind before he snaps back, realizing that the bastard looking down at him right now just flipped him on his back like nothing. 

Stupid Deku!

He gets up, taking a moment to get back onto his feet. 



"I said again, Deku!"

Back into the position from before, Katsuki's blood is pumping even harder this time. He won't lose! He's going to fucking make sure he isn't running through that stupid forest even if it takes all fucking night! 

He makes the first move this time, rushing at him with his fists ready. He gets one clean hit in that makes him feel sort of bad but sends a small spark of satisfaction up his spine. He's about to say something about it and maybe get the nerd all riled up. 

That is until he gets flipped over again.

This hellish cycle continues, until Katsuki is feeling it take a toll on him. But Deku looks as calm as ever, continuing on like nothing. That only pushes Katsuki further, wanting to wash that dumb look off of his face. 

This round, he manages to get another clean hit to his face, watching Deku's face turn from his fist connecting with it. Thats two times he's done it now. If he can just keep going, he's going to win this time! Maybe he'll make Deku run through the forest as further punishment! 

But of fucking course, the nerd trips him and makes him fall back. He is about to get up again, ready to get another hit in, before Deku gets on top of him, making him unable to escape. He grits his teeth, already trying to get out from under him. 

This asshole is dense, and it feels like an entire fucking weight is being pressed on him. The nerd's hands are holding down his shoulders, pinning him down to the ground. He breaths heavily, trying to at least regain some of the breath he's lost. 

Deku looks down at him, green eyes almost consuming him with that stupid look he gets when he's focused. He's pinned, and there is no escape. He glares at Deku, who just looks back at him. 

"Let's try again, Kacchan."

"Don't tell me what to do shit nerd." 

And just like that, he finds himself back to running past fucking trees in the forest. 

What an amazing fucking start to training. 

- Continue in sequel - 

Continuing on their journey, Izuku, Katsuki, and Fenrir are forced to take refuge in a seemingly abandoned mansion. It is not abandoned, but instead is the home of two men who know of the organization. Following the lead given to them, they go to the UA Kingdom, run by King Nezu. They are given accommodations and more information! Watch as Katsuki struggles with his feelings and exploring his freedom, and as Izuku gets closer to getting his revenge.

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