- Chapter 44 -

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He races out the back door, bursting through it and jumping into the bushes. He grins to himself, his heart pumping in excitement. His parents owned a back building, where all of the food and drinks were stored for the maids to prepare dishes for the Bakugo family. 

It was shaped more like a bigger cabin, and he sees it from the bushes. He crouches down further, trying to get as close to the ground as possible. The door that he had just come from bursts open again, and Katsuki watches as several maids scurry out, their heels tapping against the stone steps. 

"Where did he go?"

 "I thought he went this way..."

 "Let's try the bathroom. Maybe he locked himself up again." 

"I swear, that boy will be the death of me..."

 He waits a little longer, holding his breath as he listens to the women going back up the small steps and into the house. He counts down to twenty before climbing out of the bushes, some thorns scratching his legs as he does so. 

He's about to give himself a congratulatory pat on the back, a smug smile on his little face. 

"And what do you think you're doing young man?" 

He jumps and looks over at the storage house, where an old woman sits on the steps, a pile of potato skins in a bucket next to her, peeled potatoes in another bucket on the opposite side. Her chubby cheeks and the wrinkles surrounding her face give her a soft look, and Katsuki takes a step back. 

He tells the women that he isn't doing anything, just going for a walk or something. The old women nods slowly, a knowing smile on her face.

 "I see..."

 She trails off, her hands pausing her work. 

"Would you like to help me? Maybe then they will leave you alone for a while. It will be our little secret." 

She laughs, her shoulders going up and down slowly. Katsuki looks back at the door and then decides, fuck it why not. He goes over to the women, his clean shoes kicking up dirt. He plops himself down in the dirt in front of the women and holds out his hands. 

He demands she give them to him. The women doesnt object, handing over the knife and an unpeeled potato. He shifts the handle in his hand, trying to figure out how to get the skin off of this fucking potato. The women laughs again and Katsuki snaps at her, asking what's so funny.

 Her eyes are alight with joy and some amusement as she rests her hands on her knees. Katsuki can see the scars and wrinkles, and some dark freckles dotting them. 

"Nothing young man. Would you like me to help you?"

 He glares at her and looks back at the potato. He doesn't need help to do this! This is nothing for him! She watches closely as he puts the blade against the potato carefully. 

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