- Chapter 36 -

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Izuku opens the door and leads the man inside, who is shaking and weak. Mr. Toshinori sets out a plate while Izuku gets the man some blankets to warm himself up. The man happily and eagerly eats the meat that Mr. Toshinori gives him, scarfing it down like it's the first time he's eaten in his life. 

Izuku guesses freezing in the cold while being cut up will do that to a person. He puts the blanket around his shoulders and sits at his usual spot, eyes never leaving the mans. He demands that he tells him what the name of the group he was riding with and who they are called. 

The man looks back at him, swallowing a big chunk of meat. 

"We are called the Paranormal Liberation Front. W-Well that's the new name anyway. It changed a few years back... What was the old name again...? Um..."

 The man thinks to himself for a moment and Izuku impatiently taps his pointer finger on the wood of the floor. 

"League of villains or something!"

 The man scarfs down more meat when he finishes his sentence. Izuku asks if there is anything that brings out the group, anything they could be identified with. Mr. Toshinori finishes his meal, watching the two of them. 

The dogs are tearing their food apart, the sounds of the meat ripping providing background noise. The man slides his now empty plate towards Mr. Toshinori, giving him a look. The man huffs and gives him more meat.

 "A gray hand holding a purple flower is our symbol. There are tons of people riding around town with jackets, gloves, you name it. But most of the time they're just a bunch of unimportant nobodies with no real job in the group who just go around raiding and lighting shit on fire. Like me." 

Izuku's hand twitches. 

"So can i please just leave, i won't do anything around this place, i swear it." 

Izuku glares at him and tells him he can go after he finishes answering his questions. He asks who the boss of the organization is. 

"I don't know him personally, clearly, but there are rumors that he has a bunch of hands tattooed onto his skin. Real nasty stuff people say."

 Izuku asks if there is anyone else, he can think of that have any standing in the group.

 "Yeah, there are tons. This guy with burns all over his face, some girl with buns, a guy with a mask, a guy who wears scaly green skin, there are tons. Again, I've never seen them, but you get it. Things like that get out pretty fast."

 The man devours another helping of meat after he finishes his sentence. Izuku asks one last question about where the base of the organization is. The man hums, meat still in his mouth. 

"You got a map?"

 Mr. Toshinori stands up and gets one, along with a charcoal piece, putting it in front of the man. 

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