- Chapter 40 -

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Its yellow eyes stand out against its fur, its black pupils turned into slits as it stares back at him. He is instantly alert, his hand slowly going towards his knife. The wolf watches him closely, back arched and ready to make a move if need be. 

The snow howls all around them, slashing at the small parts Izuku's clothing can't cover. He slowly puts his knife up, already in his stance. His eyes never leave the wolves. The animal lowers itself closer to the ground, ready to lunge. 

Right when its body winds up, Izuku shifts his weight. There is a tense moment before the two of them are running at each other, Izuku with his knife and the wolf with its teeth and claws. He doesn't even look back at his sled as he charges, his boots sinking into the snow. 

His arm is slashed, sending the appendage jerking towards himself. His knife flies and stabs into the ground, though he doesn't have time to pay attention to that. The wolf has its teeth bared, saliva dripping from its canines in a small stream. 

Its yellow eyes look into his green ones, and Izuku uses his other arm to keep the wolves jaw away from him, using his hand to push it to the side. The wolf fights back, pushing against it and trying to get even closer.

 Izuku falls to the ground while his legs are up. His shoes connect with the wolf's abdomen, and he kicks, sending the animal flying back towards the sled. It gives a harsh cry before it turned back to him after wrestling in the snow. 

By that point, Izuku is standing right up again, panting as he yanks his knife out from the snow. The two of them repeat the process, Izuku getting some cuts in while the wolf barely misses his neck or arms.

 Izuku doesn't know how much time passes, but by the time the sun is high in the sky, the two of them are back to where they started for the fiftieth time. Izuku's limbs feel like they are being weighed down by boulders, just wanting to sink into the snow and sleep for as long as possible.

 He's bleeding from the cuts on his arms and legs, and he's pretty sure he has bruises all over his torso. The wolf doesn't look so good either, its body breathing heavily as it staggers slightly. Izuku is back on the side with his sled, the wolf across from him.

 His stomach rumbles deep and loud, and he feels the hunger make his limbs heavier. He slowly takes a step back, the wolf taking a step forward. Without turning around, Izuku uses his other hand not holding the blade and feels around the items of the sled. 

His gloved hands wrap around a small ration of meat. He holds it up, and watches as the wolf's eyes lock onto it. He throws it over to it in one smooth motion. 

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