- Chapter 70 -

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- Katsuki - 

He watches as the nerd goes over to the counter, staring at the piece of paper with a faraway look on his face. He wants to know who he's writing to and why they are so important that he has to think so much about what he is going to say, but he doesn't. 

Finally, Deku puts the quill to the paper and starts to write. Once he starts, he can't stop, and words flow onto the page. Katsuki turns away, feeling like a fucking creep for just watching him. The crow in the cage hops around again and meets his eyes. Creepy little shit. 

The woman doesn't say anything else, and when Deku is done writing, he folds it up and hands it to her. 

"Wonderful. He will come back to you in a few days, depending on the location you are in at that time. That is all I need from you." 

Katsuki turns away on the heel of his new boots. Fucking finally, they can get the hell out of this place. He takes only a few steps until he realizes that Deku isn't following behind him. He huffs and turns. 

"Come on Deku! Hurry the hell up!" 

The green haired nerd doesn't do anything for a second, before he takes off his bloodied scarf. He puts it to his mouth and pulls at it with his teeth. Some of the fabric rips, and he takes the small half back to the women and the bird. 

He carefully opens the cage door and reaches his hands over to the crow. It doesn't move that much, just looks up at him when he carefully wraps the makeshift scarf around its neck. Katsuki would yell at him if it weren't for the little spark of joy it brought to his eyes. 

Stupid nerd. 

When he shuts the cage door again, he quickly puts his scarf back on and bows politely to the women. 

"Thank you." 

He turns and they both leave. The town is a lot busier than when they first arrived, filled with children running and people selling stuff. Katsuki catches some people looking their way, his mood slightly dampening with annoyance. 

Fenrir gets up from his lying position on the ground, eager to get the hell out of here just like Katsuki. Deku looks the same as always, though he can see the slight spring in his step and the way his eyes are less blank than usual. 

Katsuki ties the rope around Fenrir again, the wolf growling softly but allowing him to do so. They begin to move forward, walking past the houses and eventually into the tree line. The next big town from here is somewhat far away, but now that there are wanted posters probably everywhere of both of their faces, he doubts it will be easy to get into a good town without having a target on his back. 

The areas not run by the Paranormal Liberation Front are in the opposite direction from here and would take at least a couple of more days to get to, even more so if he goes by himself. He barely knows how to fight, and it's not like he's going to have time to cut someone's head off if it's just him on his own. 

So that leaves one option, at least for now. 

"Oi, Deku. I'm allowing you to stay with me, at least until we get to a good town or city. You got it?!" 

Deku's eyes meet his, and he nods, that happy glint still on his face. He doesn't think about it first or even try to decline, much to Katsuki's annoyance. 

"Okay Kacchan. Thank you." 

Katsuki looks away from him. The stone path is long gone, replaced by the dirt and the unmarked ground of the forest. The silence doesn't last long before Deku talks again. 

"Since we're going to be traveling together longer, do you want to train with me. You're pretty good at fighting now, but if you're going to be on your own eventually, then it would be good to have more experience right?"

"Not saying that you need experience or anything, I just mean so you're prepared when a lot of people are fighting you at once. You can say no-" 

Katsuki interrupts his rambling. How can someone still look so stoic when they're taking years to say one fucking thing?? It will forever be a mystery to him. 

"Why the hell would you even offer to do something like that shitty Deku. It's not like we're friends or anything." 

Him and Deku are just traveling together because they both need something from each other. It's as simple as that. After Katsuki gets what he wants, he will never see shitty Deku again, and they will both put this whole thing behind them. 

"I thought we were? I want to help you get your freedom, and you're helping me. We talk a lot, and we help each other. That sounds like we're friends to me."

The entire interior of Katsuki's body feels like it stops for a whole ten seconds trying to process the words. When he does, he has the urge to hit Deku upside the head. What an idiot! Who goes around saying shit like that like nothing?! Seriously, it's like this guy doesn't know anything! 

Stupid fucking Deku, stupid-! 

"Your stupid." 

Deku's eyes widen and he stops, looking at Katsuki seriously. 

"Wait, am I wrong-?" 

Katsuki glares at him and shoves his hands deep into his pockets, stomping away. 

"No! Since we're friends, I'll let you train me!" 

Deku looks confused, but then catches up to him and Fenrir. 

"Okay. Sounds good to me." 

Katsuki feels slightly more relaxed now that him and Deku are friends. He knows this shit nerd doesn't have any, so it's up to him to show him a little mercy and let him be his. Deku should be grateful to him for the rest of his life! 

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