- Chapter 42 -

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<- Izuku ->

Izuku tells it to go, to find some other wolves and let them help it. Of course, it doesn't do anything, just staring back at him. Izuku looks down at it for a moment before gripping the rope of the sled tighter.

 He doesn't know how long he walks for, but every time he turns back around, the wolf is following. It pauses every time Izuku looks back at it, pausing and looking at him as if caught doing something it shouldn't be. 

Izuku really doesn't know what to do about this. It really can't be a good thing that this wolf is following him. Mr. Toshinroi was always big on signs of the gods trying to tell people something. He's never really believed in that stuff, but this is really freaky. 

He is brought back to the story that Mr. toshinori had told him when he was little. 

/// The fire crackles between them, and Izuku puts his hands in his lap, waiting patiently for the man to begin his story. Mr. Toshinori gives him a fond smile before beginning. 

"The smallest and last child of Loki was a wolf cub with black and grey fur with eyes the color of dark amber. But, as the cub grew and grew, Odin began to feel a sense of foreboding, for in his visions of the world ending, the things he would see were the sharp teeth of Fenrir." 

Izuku asks what they did to the wolf. Mr. Toshinori gives him a grim look, shadows dancing on his sunken face. 

"They challenged him over and over to break a series of chains, until they found ones that were unbreakable. Firir proclaimed that he would have been a friend had it not been for Odin's fear. But now, trapped by the gods, he swore to kill Odin, and eat the sun and the moon at the end of worlds." ///

Izuku shivers more out of getting the heebie jeebies rather than the cold. What if this wolf is just waiting to eat him? The moment he falls asleep or lets his guard down, it's going to dig its teeth into his flesh and have a feast. 

The animal doesn't look like it's going to eat him though, seemingly content with the pieces of meat Izuku had given it. But that contentment will disappear and Izuku will be the one to pay for it. He picks up the pace, trudging through the snow and pulling his sled harder. 

The wolf follows suit, eyes never leaving Izuku's frame. He decides that there is no harm in naming his current problem Fenrir, just to have something to call it other than 'wolf'. He walks until the day ends and the moon is high in the sky, stopping to start up a fire just like the night before. He wonders if Mr. Toshinori is eating alright and if he's taking care of everyone while he's gone. 

His eyes flicker to Fenrir, who is now closer to him. He slowly holds his hand out and pats the wolfs head. Fenrir just stares back. 

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