- Chapter 4 -

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"Please... Just stop..."

"Open your fucking legs bitch."


More slams.

"Is there any other little bitch we should know about before we take everything from you? Hah?!"

Izuku sobs, the smell of fish and the cold water making him shake even more.

"No... Its just me... Please-"

"Then i guess its time to have a little fun!"

More rough laughter mixed with the heart wrenching cries of his mother. He lifts the barrels lid and sinks down into the water, covering himself. Unfortunately, the water stops at his chin. He can still hear the monsters upstairs with his caring, strong mother.

He listens, trying to cover his ears, but it rings in his mind. Eventually, Izuku staring straight ahead with blank eyes, hears the loud heavy footsteps exit the house.

He begins to count.


The forced cries of his mother


Her rough hands


Her strong spirit, which was ripped away from her by the claws of sick men.


Her gentle words


Her warm soup...

Izuku closes his eyes and counts. He stumbles a little bit over the numbers, but then he remembers what his mother had said.

He can do this.

When he gets to 100, he pushes the lid of the barrel up, letting it drop on the floor with a bang. He stiffens, waiting. There is no noise.

He climbs out of the barrel of fish, his cold clothes clinging to his skin and weighing him down. He puts the lid back on and starts to make his way up the ladder. The sloshing of his clothes seems so distant.

He opens the hatch, lifting the heavy wood up. He gets up as shivers wrack his body. The door is open, letting in the cold air. It lays on its face, right in front of the doorway. He looks down and there she is.

His beautiful mother, her dignity clearly nothing to these men. He cries softly. She lays there in the cold, naked and stiff, with not even a blanket to cover her. Her beautiful green eyes are lifeless now, staring open into somewhere Izuku cannot see.

He steps to her and holds her hand.

Its stiff and cold.

He wipes his tears and closes her eyes, kissing her eyelids softly. There are marks all over her body. She looks as if a wild animal had bitten at her skin, uncaring.

He looks to the corner of the cabin to see a thin blanket. He goes over to it, his footsteps soft and light, though his body feels heavy.

He sees the remains of her soup, now cold and sinking into the floorboards. His stomach rumbles and he drops to his knees and sucks up all he can. It tastes dirty and cold. Nothing like hers.

He gets as much as he can, his stomach still empty. He carries the blanket over to her, his eyes catching liquid glistening on the ground next to her. On her skin, around her, everywhere. It makes his stomach sick.

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