- Chapter 8 -

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At night, he dreams. He curls up in her jacket and closes his eyes, trying to rest and escape those horrible memories. He can feel the heat of the fire and can sometimes even see it when he closes his eyes.

But when he finally ends up falling asleep, he is surrounded by the snow. There is nothing else all around them besides the snow and wind. It is loud and harsh, much like the storm he has seen outside of the window for many days and nights.

None of it touches him or makes him cold, because her arms are warped around him. She never says anything, even when he speaks to her. She just holds him close, covering his face from all the snow around them. He has long since given up on speaking.

It's the same dream every single night. Time passes, and Izuku counts the marks, running his fingers against them. He counts fifty of them.

After the same day, he falls into a restless sleep. The dream he has had over and over again finally changes.

He is warm in her hold, beginning to close his eyes when she shifts her arms. As she does so, she begins to whisper in his ear. His eyes widen in surprise as he feels her warm breath graze his cheek. She still holds him close, not allowing him to look at her.

"Izuku, my precious baby. This isn't what I want from you. You should be able to live your life. Not passing it by in this place all by yourself..."

Her hold loosens and Izuku looks up at her, her green eyes sparkling back at him. She looks so young, her smile warming Izuku's insides. He can't bring himself to look away from her even if he wanted to. He asks her what he's supposed to do.

She smiles at him, her eyes gentle and full of compassion. Her hair flows in the storm, though smoothly, as if the harsh winds around them don't affect her. Though Izuku can feel his own being whipped this way and that, snow digging into his skin and sticking to his hair.

Despite all of this, she stands there unfazed, just looking at him. The wind blows harder and Izuku feels himself move back with the force, but she keeps her hold on him secure.

"Move on Izu. Don't let my-"

Her mouth moves but no sounds leave her. Izuku continues to stare, transfixed. In that same moment, the snow also stops, and the wind has no sound, but only for a moment. It had happened so fast that Izuku second guessed that it really happened.

"-hold you down from experiencing the wonders of life. It's an amazing world out there."

Izuku grips onto her clothes, the fabric bunching up in his hold. He looks at her, his eyes confused and desperate. He wants to know what wonder there is. He wants to know if there are really amazing things.

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