- Chapter 12 -

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She smiles brightly at him, her dress moving around in the wind. He doesn't know when she had changed, but he thinks she looks so beautiful. Her long hair sails as she laughs happily, tears in her eyes.

She twirls around, her boots leaving no footprints in the snow. The cabins fire only burns brighter and bigger, but none of that touches her. She waves one arm up, her other hand cupping her mouth.

He doesn't hear what she says, but he still waves goodbye to her. One of the support beams snap and crash into the snow.

With this, there would be no turning back even if he wanted to. There would be nowhere to run, no home to stay in, and that will only fuel his motivation.

Izuku pulls the sled away from the fire, continuing to walk. His red scarf covers the bottom half of his face, and the hood of his coat keeps the rest of his head and face as warm as it can.

He walks and walks, his legs becoming sore and numb as he pulls the sled behind him. The wind still calls, never stopping.

As the sun rises to the middle of the sky, Izuku's fingers are so cold that he can do nothing but grip the rope of the sled.

He forgets what direction he came from, everything molding into an endless plane of white, the same direction, the same location.

He doesn't turn back to see his footsteps disappear, only keeps walking forward. He had heard the distant cry of wolves a while back, though he doesn't know how far away they actually were.

He staggers through the snow as he gets even more exhausted, his bottom half covered in it with all the times he's fallen and forced himself back up.

He doesn't dare stop for a break, because the more time he spends walking, the more the wind picks up and the snow gets worse.

It gets to the point that the wind practically screams into his ears and the snow slashes his face. It hurts even more given the fact that his body is so freezing cold.

The sun begins to set, and it gets colder and darker. The snow dances around him, forcing his small body back and forth, left and right. It sends him to the snow, his legs hitting the cold and sinking in.

He feels so numb, but it still hurts. His vision blurs and he closes his eyes, wanting to stop the snowflakes that keep coming into them. His hand still grips the sleds rope, determined to not let go.

He feels his breath shudder and he tries to pick himself up again. His body doesn't listen, just wanting to lay there. He's too cold, his limbs feel like they are about to fall off at any moment.

As he lays there in the snow with his eyes closed, he thinks about warm fire and big blankets. That only makes the cold and numbness seem even worse.

He hears the howling of wolves, much closer than they were before. He wonders if this is how he will die.

He'll never get to make those monsters pay if he dies here in the cold like this.

He doesn't want to die, but his body is shaking, and he can't move. The wolves will only get closer the more time he spends here.

He has to...

His thoughts get hazy as he shuts down.

Footsteps cut through the haze, though Izuku is already unconscious. 

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