- Chapter 9 -

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If that's true, why did those monsters take her away from him? Why was she forced to leave him all alone when he was probably set to die anyway? What is the point of continuing on if this world is just going to keep taking things from him?

Her rough hands cup his face, her thumb trailing small circles on his freckled cheeks. She lets out a small laugh, delicate but firm. She still has that glint in her eyes.

"Izuku. Even still, there are beautiful things that you have yet to discover. But you aren't going to see those things if you stay here rotting away all your life. That isn't what I died for."

He stares at her, tears rushing to his eyes. She wipes them away softly. Her voice goes down slightly as she kisses his forehead.

"Learn to survive, to live, Izuku. Learn to be happy again. Thats all i wish..."

Izuku buries his face in her clothes as she holds him tighter, sobbing into the fabric. She just smiles and holds him. He feels another shift as her body grows still once again. He panics and looks back up at her.

Her sparkling eyes have gone, replaced with that sickening dull color. Lifeless and dead. Izuku lurches back from her as the smell of rotting reaches his nose. She just smiles at him, her arms still open even if he's no longer in them.

"Goodbye... Izuku."

The wind is blowing harder, the snow cutting his skin. If he listens close enough, it sounds like a thousand voices whispering to him, warning, welcoming, telling. His mother's words come out ragged, as if the sound was trying to claw its way out of her throat.

He lets out a quick gasp and reaches his hand out, wanting to hold her hand again. He can still feel her smile, even if the skin around her bones begins to fall and rot away. He opens his mouth and-

He wakes up. He stares at the ceiling, her form no longer there. He feels the tears in his eyes and lets them fall. He lays there for a moment before he realizes something.

The wind outside has stopped.

He sits up and walks to the door, opening it slightly. The snow is picking up in gentle waves of white, pushing up and falling down against the cabin. It's not nearly as bad as all the days before.

The bright sun seeps in through the opening of the door, casting Izuku's shadow. He looks ahead for a while, just to see if there are any changes. There are none. He shuts the door with a heavy thud.

His eyes land on the stain on the floor and he begins to move. He goes down to the cellar in search of something. In one of the corners of the cold room, there is a desk with papers put up on the wall in front of it.

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