- Chapter 15 -

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Yes, the man may have helped him and fed him, but that doesn't mean Izuku should automatically trust him.

So he tells the man that he was in the middle of looking for a place to go since his home was overrun by the snow.

The man's expression turns grim as he looks at Izuku sadly. The fire's light casts a dark shadow over his bright blue eyes, making them look even more vibrant.


The man shifts slightly. Izuku feels kind of bad about the lie, but it's better to be safe. The man seems lost for a moment, his eyes hazed over.

Izuku wonders if he's thinking about something. It doesn't seem to be a good thing, because the man's face seems to look even older than before.

Izuku waits patiently for the man to get his thoughts together. He wonders if all other adults are like this. Clearly, this man lives alone in this place, and he's been here for a long time.

"I'm sorry that happened to you young man... Something like that, at your age, is..."

His sentence trails off and Izuku puts his hands up, telling the man that it's not his fault and that he doesn't need to comfort him or anything. The man nods solemnly, the fire crackling.

The man looks like he wants to say something else, ask more questions about it, but thankfully he doesn't.

"My name is Toshinori Yagi."

The man pauses for a moment and looks at Izuku expectedly. Izuku just sits there, slightly confused as to why he stopped but is looking at him like he's waiting for something. The man, Toshinori Yagi, clears his throat.

"I was also called All Might for a time."

He stops and looks at him again.

A long pause.

The man coughs, looking away from him with an embarrassed expression.


Izuku asks if he is supposed to know who that is or what significance it has. Toshinori looks even more embarrassed as he does not meet Izuku's eyes.

He lets out an awkward laugh and fixes his posture. His eyes have that glow back in them as he grins.

"I knew it! Your dialect sounds a lot different from what I'm used to!"

Izuku just nods, not wanting to insult the man even further. He looks at his chipped bowl instead, the small remains of stew sticking to the clay. Izuku notices the ridges inside, like someone dug into the clay while it was still wet.

"That explains why you don't know who I am. Guaylia honors my heroic deeds during the Norriaic War, so I'm sort of a war hero my boy!"

Izuku probably looks as confused as he feels, because the man stops and looks at him, even more surprised.

"You... You don't know about the  Norriaic War?"

Izuku nods, looking at him intently. He falters for a second.

"Then do you know what country you're in right now young man?"

Izuku shakes his head and Toshinori widens his eyes.

"You are very interesting...."

Izuku feels embarrassed. 

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