- Chapter 24 -

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He falls asleep after dinner is done, warped in the thin blanket as the fire crackles. He's in the cellar again, hiding in the barrel of fish. It's cold and dark and small, and he can feel his heart beating out of his chest. 

He can hear her screams, and the laughter of the men, and he waits. He waits until his mother's screams stop, and the thundering footsteps reside. He waits until dark cold hands pull him from the barrel, ripping apart his flesh and bones like paper. 

Izuku bolts up, breathing heavily. Mr. Toshinori is next to him, his brows furrowed.

 "You were muttering in your sleep, young man. Are you ok?"

 Izuku catches his breath, telling him he is. He hates how soft and out of breath his voice sounds. The man doesn't look convinced, but he drops it. Izuku begins his run. He hears the dogs barking and panting, the sled being pulled behind them. 

"Don't slow down or you'll have to start over!" 

Izuku doesn't, at least he doesn't think he is. He's been running for so long; it almost feels like he's floating or something. The white snow makes it feel like it's just him, running through an abyss that will never end.

 He's been working hard, learning and trying to master everything that his mom and Mr. Toshinori have taught him. But he knows it isn't enough. He has to get stronger, physically and mentally. 

He runs and runs, his boots not having enough time to fully sink into the ground as he picks them up over and over again. He lets out shallow breaths, puff of air appearing in front of him.

 "Youve beaten your record! You got this!" 

Mr. Toshinori encourages him, and it makes him speed up. He has time to get stronger, to learn. For now, he just has to focus. Focus on finding the post and touching it, on reaching the end of this run. The wind blows furiously, prickling and biting at his skin, pushing against him. 

Izuku still doesn't stop, squinting as the snow gets to his eyes, blinding him for a moment. As he runs, he lifts a gloved hand up to wipe the snow away, waiting for his vision to clear up again. Everything is blurry, but over the wind he can hear the distant sounds of the dogs and Mr. Toshinori.

 He continues, and when his vision clears up, he sees something ahead. A thick wooden post, planted into the ground and standing tall against the wind. Izuku feels his heart quicken and his blood rush. He's almost there. 

Just a little longer and he'll feel it, he'll touch it. He reaches his arm out and runs faster, right towards the post. His hand slaps it as he passes, and he's never felt so accomplished in his entire four years of living. 

He looks around, his hand still on the post. He sees Mr. Toshinori on the sled, getting closer. His face brightens up and he jumps off of the sled as its still being pulled, opting for running towards Izuku. 

"You did it!" 

The man swoops him up and holds him in the air, laughing happily. 

"Good job my boy! You did it!"

 Izuku looks down at the man, eyes wide. That doesn't stop his celebration, because he twirls him around in the snow. Izuku guesses this is a normal thing, so when he's put down, he puts his arms up and the two of them high five.

- 7 years later -

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