- Chapter 28 -

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Of course, he doesn't think that. He knows that he can handle them. He's trained and trained for years, all for this reason. Mr. Toshinori doesn't look at all impressed, as if he hasn't seen Izuku in the snow training and sparring until he throws up. 

"Even that won't be enough against these people you are facing. What I'm trying to say is that your happy here. Why leave?"

 The sentence hangs in the air and Izuku just stares at him, his face contorted in disappointment and disgust. Why was he saying these things? Why is he just brushing all of Izuku's hard work, all of the things he had to go through, just because he doesn't want to be alone in this cabin when he leaves? 

"Izuku, please just try and understand where I'm coming from. I have seen the ways of men, the monsters that they are. I don't know exactly what you went through, but you should move on and try to find happiness for yourself."

 Izuku glares at him and tells him that he doesn't want to have this conversation anymore. Mr. Toshinori raises his voice slightly, clearly frustrated. 

"But we have to have this conversation! I know its selfish, but I don't care! I need my son here with me, where I can keep him safe."

 Izuku grits his teeth, seeing the hurt on the man's face. But the anger is still in his stomach, raising up his throat and out of his mouth. He tells him that he isn't his son, and he isn't a child that can't take care of himself. 

The man's face is contorted in even more hurt, and he hardens his gaze.

 "You may say anything you want, but don't let your anger control you or you may end up saying something you'll regret."

 Izuku stands up and yells at the man not to try and parent him like their actually family. The man just looks at him with wide eyes, shining with unshed tears. Izuku clenches his fists and swipes his shoes, putting them on as he walks to the front door, where his gloves and scarf are.

 He hears the man scramble up, his voice teary. 

"Izuku where are you-!"

 He hears the meat fall to the floor and the man let out a yell, his scarf and gloves already on. He opens the door and doesn't turn back as he walks through and slams it shut. He begins to walk forward into the snow, gripping his mother's jacket. 

He knows he shouldn't have said all of that stuff, but Mr. Toshinori shouldn't have either. He doesn't know anything about him. They may have pretended to be a family but that doesn't mean anything to him! 

Nothing at all! Where does he get off telling Izuku not to avenge his mother and her memory? The wind sends snow slashing at him, but he continues walking. The wind gets stronger, almost pushing him to go back. His anger sends him forward. 

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