- Chapter 68 -

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- Katsuki - 

He could care less about the thanks of random extras for something he didn't even mean to do. What he does find interest in is this old hag that seems to be the boss of everyone in this town. If she isn't the boss, then why the hell are these people following her orders. 

She meets his eyes, dull and dark. 

"Come with me. I will give you your rewards." 

She's the only person that had a whole store to herself, which only further strengthens Katsuki's theory about being important in this place. Deku gives one more polite bow to the random man as he retreats, Fenrir sniffing at the air with his fur still bloody. 

He glances at the corpse with its skin peeled off on one side of its face as two townspeople lift it up and carry it away. Deku must really hate these people, not like Katsuki doesn't feel the same way. 

But seeing him zoned out and peeling a guy's face off while he's still breathing wasn't something he ever thought he'd see. He even looks out of it still, slightly zoned out when he looks back at him. The old hag turns away from them, going back into the store. 

Katsuki and Izuku glance at each other and follow the women. Before she reaches the door, she glances behind her shoulder, her eyes looking down at Fenrir, who looks back at her. 

"Leave the wolf. I don't want that bloody thing in my store." 

Fenrir whines, seemingly understanding what the woman is saying. Deku pets his head and mutters. 


Fenrir goes to the sled and lays down, his ears pointed down and his head resting against the stone ground. The old hag walks the rest of the way into the shop and Katsuki goes next, Deku following. 

The shop is a lot smaller than it looks from the outside, just as cluttered as the old man's house from before. But the items are more... creepy? Exotic? Katsuki doesn't know how to fucking describe it. There are different colored eyeballs in a jar on a shelf, filled with scrolls and books.

There are stacks of paper everywhere, with other odd items. The smell of paper, salt, and something sweet taints the air. The old hag moves through the mess, hobbling with most of her weight resting on the cane. 

"Don't touch anything." 

She rasps out, going behind a wooden counter covered with more stuff. A ceiling plant hangs from the ceiling, long green vines that fall and weave around more items. The old hag coughs before she clears her throat, looking at the two of them with her sunken eyes, making them look more animal-like than human. 

"First off, I would like to thank you two, even if it was unintentional, you helped our town. We might not have much in terms of money, but feel free to take anything you want from my shop. As thanks."

Once she is done wheezing out the sentence, her shoulders shaking slightly, Katsuki takes a closer look at the items. None of them look like things he might want. His mood worsens slightly, and he glares at the women. 


She waves a hand to the left, her eyes forward. 

"Shoes. Over there. Top shelf."

 Katsuki stares at her for a second before slowly beginning to walk over, deciding to keep his mouth shut from now on. The old hag doesn't have any reaction if she can see his suspicious and annoyed expression. 

He turns away from her and focuses on trying not to topple over the many piles of books and papers, and not bump against glass bottles full of multi-colored liquid. Whoever or whatever the hell this woman is, he definitely doesn't want to piss her off.

If that were to happen, she would probably curse him or some shit. He sees the wall of the shop, also covered in stuff. Making his way closer to the end bookshelf he spots boots on the very top shelf. They're black and orange, and look extremely warm, kind of like the ones Deku has. 

He reaches his arm up and takes them, having to go slow so his hand doesn't accidentally bump into anything. From a distance, he can hear the old hag and Deku talking. 

"Is that a messenger bird." 

He checks the boots to make sure they would fit, and it looks like they would like a glove.

 "Good eye. This one is a special type. Very smart, and can tell locations by looking at a map. It took a kind of special... technique to train such a thing." 

Katsuki starts to make his way back. Of course, the damn nerd would bring up those stupid fucking birds again. Though if Katsuki had a chance to talk to the old woman from his childhood sooner, he's sure he would. But he doesn't want to send letters or any of that bullshit. 

He would rather his first words to her be in person. He makes it back to the counter without any issue, and sees Deku and the old hag talking, Deku holding a silver cage with a bird in it. It's a dark crow, with sleek feathers and black eyes, and a small leather attachment on its leg. 

When Deku sees him approaching, he holds the cage up slightly. 

"Kacchan! I found a messenger bird! Isn't it cool?" 

Katsuki meets the bird's eyes and grimaces. 

"Sure Deku." 

The old hag hums, nodding her head slightly.

 "I will let you have him. The only condition is, you give him a name, and show him the location you want him to send messages to. Also, you need to make sure you give him a good estimate of your future location, so that he will be able to find you again." 

Deku looks at the old hag, his eyes focused and face serious as ever, committing everything she is saying to memory. The bird hops in its cage and cocks its head to the side. 

what should its name be? 

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