- Chapter 35 -

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The man doesn't seem to take Izuku's warning very seriously, because he lets out a bitter laugh.

 "Even then, this death will be a mercy that i do not deserve compared to what awaits me if i tell you what i know..."

 Izuku grits his teeth and begins to slice. He runs his blade down the fat side of the man's ribs, making a small incision. The man lets out a weak grunt and Izuku continues, pulling the skin back with his gloved hand. 

Blood begins to ooze out of the wound and Izuku's eyes never leave the man's steel gray ones. He can keep on skinning and skinning until this man is nothing but bones, and he can pack him up just like he does with the other game that they eat and feast on his flesh.

 He would keep him alive for as long as he can. Maybe he can take bits and pieces at a time. He can feed the stew he makes of the man and watch as he forces him to eat every single drop. This seems to touch a nerve and the man shakes even more violently.

 "Please... please..."

 The man babbles. Izuku makes one more incision down the man's chest and pulls the skin back just like the first, standing up again. He will wait, and if this last time when he comes back and the man still doesn't say anything, then he will start to brew the stew. 

He walks away, going back inside. He sits by the fire and starts to clean his blade as Mr. Toshinori plates out the meat, putting some out for the dogs and for the two of them. 

"Is he talking?"

 Izuku shakes his head and tells Mr. Toshinori how he told the man that he was going to make him into a stew if he didn't start talking. The other man is silent as they eat. Izuku's stomach grumbles again when he gets food into his mouth. 

He ends up reaching over for seconds, and by the growing pit in his stomach he'll probably end up getting thirds. Mr. Toshinori watches him eat with something Izuku guesses is fondness for a second before eating himself. 

The moon is high in the sky when they finish, and Izuku realizes that he forgot about the man outside. He stands up and walks out of the door. It's even colder than it was with the sun up, and Izuku can only imagine what it must feel like without any coats on whatsoever. 

He gets to see it as the man shakes, gasping and skin ripping. Izuku doesn't even have to say anything or take out his knife like he initially thought, because when the man sees him coming, he instantly pleads. 

"Please... i give up... just... Save me and I'll tell you everything you want to know...." 

Izuku really thinks he's a professional at this or something. He unties the man from the rope and gently guides him to the house. Afterall, it's not like he can fight back or anything, and he's about to confess everything Izuku needs to know. 

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