- Chapter 62 -

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Fuck, he should have picked looking for the stupid cat. At least then he would be moving around instead of waiting for this old man to move his fucking ass. 

"Almost there young man!" 

Mr. Salmon laughs, and he has heard the sound a million fucking times, and he has only known this guy for an hour. What does this asshole have to be so fucking happy about anyway?! The feeling just radiates off of him in waves, and it's starting to fuck with him. 

They are now in the forest that is surrounding the town, and they have been walking for a while. The chair keeps bumping against his knees every time he walks and is forced to stop because of the man. 

Even Fenrir is getting pissed at the man's speed, nudging his cane with his nose and whining, wanting to run around but having to wait. Mr. Salmon just beams at the two of them, oblivious to their displeasure or just flat out ignoring it. 

"Have no worries mutt! This old coot is more than capable of walking by himself!" 

Mistaking Fenrir's signal as trying to help instead of trying to get him to hurry the hell up, the old man just pats his head. Katsuki, his patience finally running out, glares at Mr. Salmon. He doubts the old man will be able to collect wood himself, he didn't even bring any damn tools. 

Why the hell are they walking so far into the forest when there are perfectly good trees right next to his fucking house? 

"You said we were going to guard you while you got fucking wood. You didn't even bring anything to cut down the damn trees, so why the hell-?!" 

Mr. Salmon's booming laugh cuts him off. 

"My grandson had the amazing idea that if I said it was to gather wood, someone would come quicker! And look, you did! No, what we're doing is much more enjoyable!" 

Katsuki feels like one of his blood vessels are about to burst, his fists shaking with the need to clobber the old fuck. The old man ignores this, continuing to slowly walk with his cane in his hand. 

"Just a little further now, and we will be there!" 

Katsuki stares at his back as he passes, anger simmering through his entire body. Fenrir whimpers and continues to walk, and Katsuki angrily follows. Deku probably made it back already with that stupid cat. For all he knows, the nerd could already be doing a second job.

 Katsuki's competitive need to do the most makes his blood pump even more. He's about to just carry this old man himself. The trees start to thin out, opening up. The grass is heavier here instead of just dirt, covering a small hill in front of them. 

The old man nods his head, his top hat almost falling from his head. 

"Here we are! Go put the chair at the top Bakugou and set up the picnic! My grandson will be here soon, so be quick with it!" 

Finally, something to fucking do! Katsuki moves past the old man with the chair, getting on top of the small hill pretty quickly. Fenrir follows, panting heavily with his tongue lolling outside of his mouth. Katsuki sets the chair down and opens up the wooden picnic basket. 

There is a small red blanket, and it's so thin that when he takes it out and drapes it out, he can see the sun shining through it for a moment. It glides gracefully on the grass, and he smooths it out a bit, putting the basket in the middle. 

The old man walks over with his bird cane, settling himself down on the chair next to the blanket. He stiffens for a moment, hands in his lap and his cane resting against the back of his chair, before he lets out a deep breath, body relaxing. 

Katsuki unties the rope around Fenrir's neck, much to the wolf's thanks. The moment he's free, he starts to run off, racing through the trees and dropping himself against the ground, making blades of grass stick to his fur.

A soft breeze goes through the trees and past them, small leaves blowing along with the gust of air. Big clouds are dotting the sky, casting their shadows as they pass. He doesn't sit, already looking at the old man for what to do next. 

"Now what." 

Mr. Salmon takes another deep breath and lets it out, the movement his body makes making Katsuki think of a house settling. 

"Now, we wait. Why not enjoy this moment? We don't live forever you know." 

There is merriment in his voice, and Katsuki doesn't find it endearing. Despite him not saying anything, the old man continues. 

"I may have only days to live, we never know. You would do well to learn how to take your time with even the most mundane moments, or else you might regret it." 

Katsuki eyes him before huffing, sitting down in the grass. The blades poke into the palms of his hands and he looks up at the sky, watching the clouds slowly drift by. It's quiet, with only the sound of Fenrir running around, the breeze whispering, and the trees rustling. 

Katsuki takes a deep breath, leaning back with his arms supporting him, and relaxes. He sees the old man give him a smile before the two of them both put their eyes back in front of them. He guesses it isn't that bad. 

It's still a little annoying just waiting here, but if that's what this old man wants to do then that's that. Katsuki swears he almost falls asleep with the cool ground under him and the warm sun above him, and the quiet. 

That is until Fenrir stops running around, nose pointed towards the trees and ears up. Katsuki is about to call him when he notices, but the wolf darts into the forest, barking loudly. He gets up quickly, though the old man looks unbothered, a smile still on his wrinkly face. 

"I'm guessing he's found something!" 

Katsuki is instantly on alert, but only a second later, Fenrir darts back into view. There is rustling behind him before two people emerge.

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