- Chapter 58 -

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The nerd looks instantly blissed out the moment his food enters his mouth. He wouldn't have expected anything different! He knows his fucking food is the best there is. It's a billion times better then whatever the fuck Deku has been making himself this whole time. 

When he finishes, the emotion in his eyes surprises the hell out of him. 

"It tastes so good Kacchan!" 

His face is still stoic, but he can't conceal the soft happiness in his tone. Katsuki stares at him, momentarily stunned. Then, he grins widely. 

"Of course, it tastes fucking good shit nerd, I made it!" 

Izuku nods quickly, glancing at the sled and then back at him. Katsuki flips the meat on the pan to cook all the way. The wolf walks quietly to the other side of the fire, its light flickering over the dried blood on its fur. Its yellow eyes stare at the meat frying, and then go back to Katsuki. 

Drool drips from the corner of his mouth and onto the ground.

 "Can you make more?" 

Deku looks at him, looking just as hungry as the animal across from them. He sighs. The rest of the night is spent with Deku taking out rations from the sled and Katsuki cooking, all three of them feasting until they are too tired to stay up. 

The next morning, Katsuki is woken up by Deku shaking him awake. The smell of pine trees is sticking to his clothes and his body, some sharp pebbles sticking to his face and his back thanks to his sleeping position on the ground. 

Deku looks down at him, kneeling with one scarred hand on Katsuki's shoulder. Unlike him, Deku is fucking wide awake, if the swiftness of his movements is anything to go by. 

"Kacchan, we have to start moving again." 

The sun isn't even in the sky yet, the moon taking its place. The big satellite looms over them. He blinks, trying to adjust to the darkness. The fire has long been put out, now only ashes and burnt gray twigs. 

He sits up, feeling a few strands of his hair sticking to his face as he gets to his feet. The wolf sniffs, a loose rope around its neck. That rope has the one pulling the sled around it, and it waits patiently, yellow eyes glowing even in the dark. 

Katsuki huffs already pissed that this was going to be their routine for the next couple of days. Just like he thought, the next few days are more or less the same. Though the only thing he can complain about fully is the fact that he doesn't have any fucking shoes. 

Deku and Fenrir (He had finally learned its damn name after Deku caught him yelling at the thing for going way too fucking fast with the sled) weren't terrible companions. Shit could be worse. Despite that though, he never let them think he was actually enjoying their company! 

Bakugou Katsuki doesn't do that shit. So, what if the nerd had interesting stories to tell when they stopped next to a fire? He could live without them! So, what if Fenrir always slept next to him, which kind of kept him warm?! Who gives a shit!? Not him. 

Finally, they spot a sign for a town. Katsuki almost fucking sprinted to it. The only thing that stopped him was a bird flying overhead, a letter strapped to it. 

"What's that?" 

Another one of Deku's many questions. It's like he's never fucking been outside before. He comes to a stop, glowering. 

"A messenger bird. Those rats with wings carry letters and shit around." 

Deku continues to walk, eyes no longer tracking the flight of the bird. Now, those eyes are focused on him. 


Katsuki glares back at him. 

"How the hell would I know?" 

Fenrir walks between them, the sled being pulled behind him. The wolf looks more restless than usual. That is probably due to the fact that he has been forced to drag the sled most of the time, hindering his ability to run around 24/7.

"Do you know where you can get one?"

 "No, you have to have them specially trained or some shit." 

"Where are the people who train them?" 

"I have no fucking idea."

 "Do you know how long it takes?" 


"How about if they need to be a specific type of bird?" 

Katsuki grits his teeth. 

"Deku, if you ask me one more fucking question about dumbass fucking messenger birds I'm going to shove one so far up your ass it'll answer your questions itself." 

Deku shuts up, the road growing more defined, transitioning to uneven ground to smooth stone. Katsuki will finally be able to start making his way back home. The soreness of his body becomes apparent when his body finally relaxes after seeing the buildings of the town. 

Maybe after he rests he can start. This town is a lot smaller than the previous one, with only a handful of houses and shops. There doesn't seem to be much people either, only a couple being seen through the glass of the shops. He could work with that though. 

They continue to walk, and see a huge wooden board, with papers and posters tacked up to it. It doesn't look very interesting, so they walk past it. He spots a clothing shop and starts to go towards it. 

"Deku, you got any money?"

Deku shakes his head, making Katsuki stop and glare at him like he just massacred a shit ton of people. 


Deku looks back at him, slight defeat in his tone. 

"I spent all my money at the black market kacchan." 

Katsuki doesn't even know where to start. What kind of idiot only carries around one pouch of coins with him?! He gets his fist ready to hit Deku upside the head. 

"Then how the hell do you expect us to get anywhere without any fucking money shitty Deku?!" 

"We can look for jobs or something. I spotted some on the board thing." 

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