- Chapter 19 -

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He feels himself tense up when he walks even closer, his footsteps crunching on the snow. The dog's attention turns to him, and he pushes himself closer to the wall. In an instant, the dogs are jumping at him, teeth out and ready to bite. 

He jumps, pressing himself closer even when he knows he possibly can't. They are forced to stop when they get a couple of feet away from the post, the rope tied to the leather bands around their necks keeping them bound. 

They bark and snarl loudly, the sound seeming to echo over the howling wind. Izuku hesitantly starts to walk again, getting closer to the opening of the fence. The dogs watch him, not stopping their attempts to attack for even a second. 

He looks at his sled, a thin blanket placed over it so that the snow doesn't ruin much of it. He feels a sudden weight he didn't even know he had lifted from his shoulders. His sled is right there, right in front of him. 

He walks around it, yanking the blanket off. The snow that had piled on top is blown off in a quick gust, and he drops the blanket. He looks through every part of the sled until he knows for certain that everything that he packed is still there and in good condition. 

With his nervousness now ebbed somewhat, he puts the blanket back over the sled and gets back to the fence opening. The dogs had calmed down while he was checking the sled, but now they are going crazy again when he goes to leave. 

He puts his hand back on the wall of the house and starts to walk, the wind pushing up more and more snow and clouding his vision slightly. He gets to the door and pushes it open. He quickly rushes inside and slams it closed with all of his body weight. 

He breathes heavily and then takes off his gloves and his scarf. 

"How was it?" 

he turns back and Mr. Toshinori is sitting by the fire, a plate of meat in front of him and a second one across from him at the other side of the fire. Izuku tells him it was fine and that his sled was still as he had left it. 

He also thanks him for keeping it that way. Mr. Toshinori nods solemnly and then holds a hand up at the plate of food. 

"Please, go ahead and eat young man. When you're done, we'll start your training." 

At those words, Izuku feels his heart speed up in excitement and he quickly goes to eat, sliding next to his plate, pushing the blanket to the side as he does so. Mr. Toshinori looks at him fondly, before he starts to eat himself. 

Izuku hadn't realized how hungry he was until he had the food in his mouth. It tastes so good that Izuku barely feels his hand moving to get more. After this, he would start training and grow stronger.

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