- Chapter 71 -

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- Izuku - 

Looking at the map, it will take a couple of days to get to the next big town. He hopes it will be a lot better than the last place, information wise. The list will help him track down some more people, and it's all thanks to Kacchan. Anything that he can do to help his friend, he will do!

That's why, he finds himself here, looking down at the blonde with his legs holding him down. Kacchan is trying to catch his breath, the fire flickering light across both of their faces. 

"Let's try again, Kacchan." 

"Don't tell me what to do shit nerd." 

- Minutes earlier - 

Izuku is getting more wood for the fire, walking in the dark woods, focusing his eyes so that he can at least see his hand in front of his face. Walking around the woods and looking for twigs and leaves to burn lets him take a moment to relax. 

After a couple more minutes, he gets enough leaves and twigs, holding them in his arms as he makes his way back to their makeshift camp. It would have been a lot harder if it weren't for the strong smell of Kacchans food guiding him.

His stomach rumbles, practically urging him to walk faster so that he can eat faster. The light from the campfire eventually breaks the darkness, and he begins to put the things he gathered into it, making it burn brighter. 

Katsuki doesn't look at him, too invested in his cooking, glaring at the pan and the meat, making sure nothing goes wrong. Fenrir is watching him intently, small ropes of drool escaping from the corners of his mouth. 

Despite being free of the sled and able to run around, he sits right across Katsuki and watches him cook, waiting for the food to be done just as eagerly as Izuku. He sits down next to the blonde, watching him intensely. 

Kacchan doesn't lose his focus one bit, flipping the pan up with a flick of his wrist. The meat turns smoothly, now flipped on the other side. The light dances in kacchans red eyes, and they meet his for a second. 

"Deku, no matter what you do, or fucking say, you will not be getting your food early until its completely ready." 

He quickly looks away, putting his hands on his lap. 

"I wasn't doing anything Kacchan, just looking around." 

He hears a scoff and ignores it, his stomach rumbling again.

"It's like you want to get fucking sick nerd." 

Izuku stares at the meat crackling on the fire, meeting Fenrir's eyes for a moment before looking back at the food. 

"Dog eats first." 

That one statement makes the hole of hunger in his stomach open up even more, and he holds in a sigh of disappointment. Katsuki finally takes the pan off of the fire and flips the meat onto the ground. But before it can touch the dirt, Fenrir catches it in his mouth and devours it. 

Izuku lays down on the ground, looking up at the sky littered with stars. 

"Kacchan. I'm dying." 

The sound of more meat being placed on the pan answers him. 

"You aren't dying shit nerd; you can be patient for two fucking seconds." 

He doesn't get why they have to wait so long for the food to be done when they can just be eating it right now, though he doesn't say this out loud. He can guess that Katsuki wouldn't be happy to hear it and he would get slapped on his head again. 

Instead, his mind wanders to all the other things the blonde could make. He's only ever had meat and some vegetables, so maybe now that Kacchan is his friend, he will be more willing to share more cool stuff with him. Of course, he would repay him! Speaking of which, 

"Kacchan, when we're done eating, do you want to start training?"

 The blonde nods, doing one final flip before taking the pan from the fire. 

"Here, since-" 

Izuku swipes it from the hot surface with one quick polite bow before eating it. Kacchan sighs, his frown deepening. 

"Not even taking one second to fucking savor it." 

Izuku continues to eat, saying 'Thank you kacchan,' between bites. Katsuki is already making his portion, and Fenrir is off running again, disappearing between the trees. 

"So, what are we going to do first shit nerd? Spar or some shit?" 

Izuku finishes his food and thinks. The first steps will be a problem, since there isn't any snow to run through. But he's sure he can find something else... 

"Maybe running through the forest. Us traveling won't be a problem since we can keep the distance roughly the same."

Katsuki scoffs. 

"Seriously, fucking running?" 

Izuku nods as Katsuki finishes cooking his food. He takes it off the pan and starts to eat, while Izuku starts to clean off the utensils and items used to put them back in the sled, using a rag and some water. 

"Thats what I started with. The only difference will be that there will be no snow, so the distance you will be running is larger and more turns will be needed." 

Izuku gets up after everything is put back into the sled, the campfire burning bright. The cool wind blows, making the flames flicker right and then left. 

"I'll go set up a couple of markers so you can tell if you're going the right way. Count to twenty and start running. I'll find you." 

He doesn't wait for an answer, going deeper into the forest and away from the campfire. Now that the moon is fully up in the sky, it lights the forest well, casting its light down on everything with a strange blue hue. 

Making marks with his blade, he quickly carves 'X's into trees for a good distance. He only stops once he gets as far away as he needs to, before turning back down the path he made, running to find Katsuki so that he can make sure he doesn't stop running. 

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