- Chapter 66 -

178 12 2

- Katsuki - 

These guys look like they're going to be a challenge, and that's if they don't decide to just cut them down on their horses. The long sheaths on their sides are more than enough proof that they are ready for a fight whenever. 

He doesn't have anything to fight with, and Fenrir and Deku are clearly out of their element here. A thousand thoughts race through his head in that one second of silence that follows the end of the gorilla's sentence. Running isn't an option, more so because Katsuki refuses to. 

The weapons and size of these five men are a problem, and their draft horses too. The fact that they have their wanted posters shows that there are even more places with their faces posted. Katsuki can't even begin to unpack the problems that one thing is going to cause for him.

Luckily, he doesn't get to, because in one smooth motion, the front man's weapon is drawn out with a sharp sound, the blade gleaming as he grins down at them. The sounds of the other men's weapons being drawn ring in Katsuki's ears and his blood pumps, every nerve tense and waiting for another move. 

"If we cut you down right now,"

 The man snickers, his face making Katsuki's scowl deepen. 

"We get a ton of money. And that's just counting both of you! Think about what we can get if we skin that mutt and sell its fur! We'd be set for months!" 

The man's words spark greed in the others, each looking at the three of them and counting how much gold that would add up to. Katsuki balls up his fist. They don't need a plan. All they need to do is beat the living hell out of these guys and move on. 

Katsuki hasn't heard anything from Deku, or even seen him move. He glances at him and pauses. For once, Katsuki isn't met with the same stoic expression he's seen a million times since traveling with Deku. 

Instead, his face is contorted into something fierier, an angry look that sends small shivers down his spine. The reason he looks so pissed, Katsuki can't say. Though he would be lying if he said it didn't spark a fire in him too. Fenrir growls, and only then does Katsuki realize that he is still tied up. 

It can only register for a second, because sensing his attention elsewhere, the group of men charge in, big grins on their faces. In that small moment, a number of things happen. Katsuki turns and unties the rope from Fenrir's neck. 

At the same time, Deku sprints forward as the beat of the draft horses' hooves slamming into the ground match the hammering of Katsuki's heart. The first man, at this point probably the leader of the whole group, raises his machete, ready to strike him down. 

The other four follow suit, raising their weapons. 

The second passes.

Fenrir is released from his restraint and sprints, right past the main guy. Weaving between the draft horses' legs, who whine and raise their front legs in surprise and fear. The front man swings his weapon right at Deku, who dodges it, the blade brushing against his face slightly. 

He brings his blade out and lunges at the man, holding his blade forward and getting him right in the gut. The attack makes the man drop his weapon, to which Katsuki moves in, swiping it from the ground while barely dodging getting hit by the second guy, who screams down at him. 

"What do you think you're doing you little rat?!" 

Five seconds. 

Fenrir jumps at one of the guys at the back, while the other one tries to get him off of him, their horses whining and only causing more ruckus as the two yell and scream. With that going on in the back, the front man is not easily delt with, slamming his fist on the back of Deku's neck. 

Katsuki swings the machete in a wide motion, using the force of his arms and body to put more weight behind it. He gets the second guy right across the throat, but he might have miscalculated. The cut doesn't slice through skin like he thought it would, but instead hits bone.

There is some resistance, but with one final push to the left, the choking and struggling man's head comes off, dropping to the ground with a loud thud as his body writhes around, the draft horse panicking even more and, now free of its controller, runs forward. 

Katsuki doesn't try to stop it, turning his attention back to the rest of the fight. The front man isn't taking being stabbed in the stomach very well, because he lifts his fist and hits Deku in the back of his neck. The sound his fist makes when connecting the back of his neck makes Katsuki's skin crawl. 


From where he's standing, all he can see is Deku's head lolling slightly, but doesnt get any more time to take a closer look, since now the guy on the other side of the main one is circling around now, heading right towards him, pissed and weapon raised. 

"You'll pay for that you bastard!" 

Katsuki moves into action again, Fenrir now over the bodies of the two men in the back, eating the hot intestines from their stomachs, covered in blood yet again, with feral looking eyes. Meat hangs from his sharp teeth and on some parts of his fur. 

Katsuki is too busy trying not to get killed with this guy on his ass to look at Deku's condition. If that fucking bastard ended up breaking Deku's neck like that, Katsuki swears he's going to kill him! 

Fenrir ends up helping him with the second to last guy, tearing him apart as Katsuki knocks him off his horse and deals the final blow, one good stab right through his neck. Quick like the others to retreat, the horse sprints away. 

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