- Chapter 29 -

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He has nowhere else to go, but at that moment he really doesn't care. The only thing that matters to him right now is the burning in his gut and the blood pumping through his veins. His boots sink into the snow, the wind in his ears, sending sharp snow slicing against his skin.

 He doesn't turn around and he doesn't stop walking until his legs hurt and he's far away. He turns back, his scarf frantically blowing. The house is pretty far, and he has to squint to see the silhouette, but in his mind, it still isn't far enough. Then, he sees something.

 A couple of feet away from the house, coming from the left, the flickering of orange light, small and hurriedly moving towards the house. His eyes widen and he watches only for a moment before the flickering registers in his brain. 


He kicks off and starts to sprint towards the house, panting heavily as his heart hammers into his ribs. He knows that isn't a good sign, especially not when he hears the howling of dogs more wolf like then Mr. Toshinoris and the laughing of men.

 It kicks something into him, makes his hands shake and his body freeze. But he keeps going, because that fire burning in his heart knows that this is what he's been waiting for. This is the moment that he can finally take another step towards his goal instead of just standing still. 

The men get to the house before he does, their sleds being pulled by wolves being a lot faster than Izuku on his feet. He only speeds up, his mind racing. They are going to go in there and kill Mr. Toshinori and the dogs. He can't let that happen, he won't. 

The last thing he needs is the last words he ever said to the man being so hurtful. He can only watch what's happening in front of him as he pounds through the snow. The men circle the house with their sleds, laughing. They are all pretty big, but not as big as that bear Izuku killed.

 Thats not to say they aren't big, because he sees one standing next to the door, towering over it. His brain counts five, and he sees one of them banging against the door with his fist. He yells, trying to be heard over the wind as one of them knocks again, only getting more irritated.

 Hearing him, they all turn to look in his direction. They something to each other and two men stay at the door as the other three take a couple of steps towards him. There are three wolves, paws dug into the snow and growling, eyes never leaving Izuku. 

He doesn't let the shining of weapons hanging on belts and the size of the men scare him, his hands itching to plunge his knife into all of their fat necks. He's a couple of feet away from the first one, who has a big grin on his face. 

"Where do you think you're going boy?"

 He grips the hilt of his knife. 

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