- Chapter 25 -

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Izuku pulls his coat tighter around himself as the wind slams into his body, screaming in his ears. His yellow scarf moves wildly beside him, wrapped around his neck. He keeps his eyes ahead, focused on the tracks of something a lot bigger than a rabbit.

 Food has been pretty scarce lately, and with the snow getting so bad, Mr. Toshinori can't get out very far. So, if Izuku catches whatever the hell this is, then it could feed the two of them and the dogs for months. 

He continues to walk even when the resistance of the wind pressing against his body makes him feel heavy. His sled is being pulled behind him with a gloved hand, a tight grip on the rope. What if the sled isn't big enough for this animal? 

He can always cut it up right there and transfer it all back, but by then it's bound to get dark, and Mr. Toshinori told him to get home before the sun goes up. Then he'll have to sit and listen to another one of the man's lectures, which could take way longer than any hunt. W- 

His thoughts are cut off when he hears deep growling ahead. It stands out against the wind and the snow, so he hears it perfectly. Then the growl turns into deep grunts, and he knows that he's found the animal. 

He squints and up ahead, slowly making its way through the snow. Izuku guesses that the place it had been hibernating got flooded or ruined in some way. Now it has to find a new place to live. Izuku feels slightly bad that he got to it first. 

He lets go of the rope attached to the sled and starts to walk closer. The bear sniffs the air, its black nose up as it does so. Izuku stops, pulling out the blade hanging on his belt. The bear turns to him, its brown eyes looking into Izuku's green ones.

 In that instant, the bear charges, growling loudly as it thunders through the storm. Izuku gets into a fighting stance and readies his knife. The brown bear raises its arm, ready to strike Izuku down. 

He ducks and rolls out of the way, the snow sticking to his clothes as he does so, kicking it off of the ground. He races towards the bear as its turning quickly, almost not making it. He jams the knife into the back of the bears neck and rolls over its body as it lets out a pained cry, trying to swipe at him again. 

He wraps his legs tightly around the bear, keeping his knife into its body. It frantically moves about, slamming itself onto the ground and trying to get Izuku off of it. It almost works, Izuku having to move his leg, so it isn't crushed under the bear's weight.

He mutters out into the snowstorm and thanks the gods for this bear that will help him feed his family. The animal wobbles as Izuku jams his knife into the back of its neck over and over. 

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