- Chapter 26 -

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He ends up having to cut up the bear right there. It's hard with the snowstorm and with the size of his blade. Pulling off the flesh of the bone is hard enough with the added layer of fur, so he sits there and piles the bears flesh and fur onto the sled. He sighs. 

He's in for another one of Mr. Toshinoris lectures. Maybe he'll go easier on him after seeing the huge bear he just killed. He pulls it on the sled, following the small posts he left dug into the snow. He picks them up on the way, piling them onto the sled with the bear. 

He sees the cabin after a couple more hours of walking, the moon up in the sky. Its freezing, even more so than in the day, and he stops the sled in the front of the house. He grabs all of the meat, fur, and posts and kicks the door open. 

It slams into the wall and comes back slightly but he quickly walks inside. He closes the door with his back. He knows Mr. Toshinori is standing up, pausing his pacing as he does every time Izuku is late.

 The dogs are barking loudly, rushing towards him. They jump onto his legs, but he ignores them for a second to put the meat and furs next to the door. He unwraps his scarf from his neck and pulls off his gloves, letting out a breath. 

He looks at Mr. Toshinori, who looks back at him, his blue eyes like stone.

 "Izuku, we agreed in the afternoon. Late afternoon if necessary but the moon is high in the sky by now!"

 Izuku has always found it confusing that he had to get home at a certain time. Mr. Toshinori had started to act different when Izuku turned seven years old, right when Izuku gave him permission to call him by his first name.

 He was a lot more protective. Izuku wouldn't have minded as much if the man hadn't made up so many rules. The first, get home before it turns dark, second, don't stay up all night looking at the maps, third, don't go out at night, fourth, always tell him where he's going, fifth, never leave without permission. 

He tells him that he hadn't thought he'd be out by long. He then points to all of the bear meat and tells him that he killed a bear. Mr. Toshinori stares at the pile of goods and then looks back at him. He struggles to say anything before he just gives up, letting out a sigh.

 Izuku pets the dogs, their tails wagging wildly. 

"Thats... reasonable. I was just worried is all..."

 Izuku looks at him and walks over to him, patting his shoulder gently. He tells him its ok, that he's just fine going hunting on his own. Mr. Toshinori looks at him for a moment before nodding solemnly.

 "Yes, you're right. Maybe staying inside most days is messing with me."

 Izuku takes his hand off of the man's shoulder and goes to the fire, wanting to warm up. 

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