- Chapter 39 -

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The sun isn't even in the sky when he wakes himself up. He doubts he even slept, his thoughts racing. He gets up as quietly as possible, the soft fire still going. The light dances on Mr. Toshinoris face and the dog's fur, all curled up together in one big pile.

 His family. 

He takes his thin blanket and drapes it over all of them, not waking them up. He puts his boots, coat, gloves, and scarf on, and looks back. One of the dogs must have woken up when he was putting everything on. It stares at him, letting out a small whimper as if it knows he's leaving. 

He goes over and pets its head, before seeing a couple of papers bundled up in the storage corner of the house. He goes over to it and takes a charcoal piece and begins to write. 

'I left before you woke up so I wouldn't have any second thoughts. I'm sorry i couldn't say goodbye properly, dad. I promise I'll find a way to write back when I'm out, and i promise I'll come back three times a month and visit.' 

'If you ever need anything, I'll always send my location to you and I'll come back when i can. Thank you so much for taking care of me for all of these years. Your lessons and the days spent with you will always be in my heart and mind. Thank you for saving me all those years. I promise to repay you tenfold when I've reached my goal. I love you.'

 He folds the letter and goes back to the door, nailing it as quietly as he can onto the door. He doesn't look back again as he walks through the door, hearing a dog whimper. Its dark and he puts his hand on the wall of the house like he's done so many times. 

He leads himself to the fenced area and sees his sled. He pulls it out and lights a lantern. The small fire in the glass keeps some of the darkness away, and Izuku has to stop himself from looking into it too deeply. 

The wind whistles in his ears, ghostly sounding as he begins to pull his sled. After all of his training, this is nothing. Mr. Toshinori has prepared him over and over again for this moment and he won't let that all go to waste. 

He walks, the sun showing the time passing slowly. Its high in the sky when he stops for something to eat. In the cold never ending ocean of snow, he sits and eats some of the rations that Mr. Toshinori had packed away for him. 

He knows he's going in the right direction. He managed to get a pretty good look at the map last night, so he doesn't have to take it out in the snow. He's about to pack his stuff up and start to move again before he sees something in the distance. Hidden by the snow is a white wolf, staring right at him. 

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