- Chapter 50 -

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The man sputters, his face turning red from the suffocation. Fenrir growls deeply, his body low as he takes a couple of steps closer to the two of them. Izuku is glad he isn't being loud. If he lost this man before beating all pieces of information out of him, he doesn't know what he would do.

 He repeats himself, pushing his arm deeper as the man gasps and sputters for some air. 

"I-I only know that they-" 

He lets out a painful gasp, his face beginning to turn purple. Izuku relieves the pressure only slightly. This man is no use to him dead. 

"They all set up at midnight! In- In the town square! Please-"

 Izuku lets him go, watching the man drop down to his knees, his jewel covered fingers flying to his neck. Red and purple bruises are beginning to form on the part that Izuku was pressing. He turns away and grabs the rope of his sled. 

Fenrir doesn't turn to follow him, and the man weakly speaks behind him. 

"Please- I told you all I know- Please!" 

He doesn't get to scream as Fenrir lunges at him, biting right into his neck. Izuku waits at the end of the alleyway, watching people pass, making sure no one comes inside and witnesses the carnage. He hears flesh tearing and bones snapping and turns back when the sounds stop.

Fenrir's fur is covered in blood, standing out brightly against his white fur. Izuku doesn't think he should go out that way, but what else is there to do. He pulls the sled, and the two of them leave the alleyway, getting even more looks from people, though a little more appalled and shocked.

 Though no one says anything, Fenrir continues to walk next to him. There aren't any maps of the town that he can find, and he isn't really good at navigating when it comes to a town like this, something he learns fairly quickly. 

As he passes one of the buildings, something catches his eye from the display window, and he stops. A big brightly colored yellow backpack sits on one of the corners of the display. He's never seen anything like it. Its leather is dyed, and its seams are neat and elegant. 

He stares at it, for seemingly so long that Fenrir lets out a small whimper, his claws digging into his pants, trying to get him to move. Luckily, his pants are thick, so he doesn't feel anything but a bit of pressure, but he gets the message. 

He is forced to turn away from the display when he sees the price tag. He doesn't know the currency around here, but he knows how many zeros are in his budget, and those are definitely one too many. 

They both find the town square, a huge area a thousand times bigger than the main street. It's crowded with more tents and booths, the smell of spices and street food stinging his nose and making his stomach grumble. 

His mouth waters but he ignores it, sitting down at the huge fountain found in the middle of the town square. There are some children dressed in nice silk clothing, laughing and splashing each other using the water from the fountain. 

Some look at Fenrir fearfully before running off to play something else. Izuku sits at the fountain, taking some of the water in his cupped hands. He tells Fenrir to come over to him, and the wolf obliges, sitting next to him. 

He leans over and begins to clean him up a little, the wolf growling softly before letting him do what he wants. After Fenrir is cleaned somewhat, the two of them wait by the fountain, waiting for dark. 

He watches as the day market is packed up, people taking down their booths and putting their items into wagons or barrels to be brought somewhere else for safekeeping. When everyone leaves, the town square looks even bigger now that it's empty, and it's completely silent. 

Some lights are on in buildings, the light reflecting off of the water in the fountain. The silence only lasts for a couple of minutes, until other people begin to appear. They are setting up tents and booths just like the day market, though there is a slight ominous feeling. 

Izuku leaves the fountain to slink in the shadows, watching everything being set up. The darkness of it all doesn't surprise him. He watches as cages are being brought into a big tent that towers over all of the others, its purple color blending into the darkness, only to be shined down upon by the moonlight. 

He wonders if anyone looking out would think it was beautiful, the glowing colors of the black market, the soft whispers of sickening sellers and buyers. He watches as people begin to come out of the woodwork, most dressed in fancy clothing. 

With shining silk and smooth fabric, the high class walk among the dirty with superior looks on their faces. Most have people accompanying them, wearing tattered rags and with their faces covered in dirt. The talking gets louder as more people begin to show up, the noise growing.

 Izuku kicks off of the wall, hands in his pockets. He begins to walk, leaving the sled in the corner. He tells Fenrir to stay, enticing him with a piece of meat from his pocket. The wolf devours it as he walks away, following the forming crowds through the center of town. 

His eyes land on various items being sold, from organs to eyes to spells and talismans. None of them interest him, focused solely on the towering tent. He feels his hand twitch slightly when he gets closer. There is someone standing on a small step made out of wood, calling out to passersby's. 

"Come and stop by Mr. Daisuke's shop everyone! Great prices for great work, for whatever you need!" 

Izuku passes the man, going into the opening of the tent. 

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