- Chapter 38 -

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That doesn't calm him down either, so Izuku just stands there with him, patting his back and letting the man just let it out. He hopes he can visit, not a lot but at least three times a month. He doesn't like the thought of leaving Mr. Toshinori here all alone, waiting for him to show up. 

Mr. Toshinori probably feels the same way, not wanting to be alone again. The man lets him go and wipes at his eyes, turning away from him. He watches as the man goes to the door and puts on his coat, going around the corpse. 

"I'm going to get your things ready." 

Izuku instantly insists that he can do it himself, but the man puts a hand up. 

"Izuku, what you need to do is put this man outside. It's the least i can do for you."

 Izuku wants to tell him that he's already done more than enough, but the man is already out the door. He looks over at the corpse and sighs. Even when he's no longer alive he's still having Izuku drag him around.

 He opens the door and props it up with his leg, leaning and gripping the man's shins. He pulls him out the door, grimacing when the man's head gets slammed against the door, and he has to open it again to get him completely through. 

The cold creeps up his spine and he shives, but he continues to drag. He stops when he guesses he's a good ways away, and leaves him there. Like hell he's going to waste his time and effort burying this man when the snow can do it for him. 

Only the good deserve to have graves. He walks back to the house to see Mr. Toshinori packing up his sled, neatly putting away rations and maps and anything else. Izuku just stands there and watches the man who raised him for a moment.

 He sees the shaking of his hands, the slow movements and the blurriness of his eyes. A sudden ache reaches his heart, and a thought pierces his brain. 

"What if I don't leave? What if i stay here with him?"

The ache gets worse, and he pushes it down deeper and deeper. He won't let himself do this. He can't stay here anymore and that's final. In order to stop feeling this guilt? Sadness? Whatever it is, he goes over to the man.

 He tells him he can do the rest and Mr. Toshinori looks at the sled and back to him. 

"I did it all. Its ready for you." 

Izuku looks at the sled and then nods solemnly. Mr. toshinori stares back at him with sunken blue eyes, a sad smile on his face. Izuku almost thinks he's going to cry again, but the man just goes over to him and gives his shoulder a pat. Izuku hugs him this time, his face in his hair. He tells his dad he loves him. 

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