- Chapter 31 -

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 He retreats to get some space, but the last guy holds him by the shoulders, a death grip digging into his skin. 

"Not so fast. You're going to fucking pay!"

 He turns his knife in his hands, turning the blade to face the man's body. With one quick jerk, he digs the knife into his flesh, going as deep as he can. The hilt of the knife touches the man's torso, and he screams. 

Izuku gets a chance to get out of the man's hold and he yanks himself away, lunging at the man in front of him. There is the howling of dogs, snarling and growling as they wait, circling around the whole scene and waiting. There is barking from inside of the house and banging on the door.

 "Izuku!" Mr. Toshinori yells, but Izuku doesn't have the time to tell him he's okay right now. The man's hand goes towards his face, probably read to beat it in, but Izuku dodges, turning on his heel. He swipes one of the weapons from the man's belt, a long knife.

 Now facing the back of the man's neck, he puts his arms up with the blade in his hands and plunges it into him. He sees the blade come out from the other side of the man's neck and grimaces, kicking him to the ground to bleed out. 

The last man finally gets the knife out from his skin and layers of leather and fur, angrily looking at Izuku. He throws his knife away from him, but not very far.

 "I'm going to skin you and turn you into a fucking blanket you bastard!"

 Izuku doesn't say anything and glances at the man who is on the ground, whimpering to himself as he continues to bleed out of the back of his legs. He doesn't have to keep this one alive if he already has that one. 

He hopes he can get his knife back, or he's going to be seriously disappointed. The man's boots dig into the snow as he charges at Izuku like some kind of bull (Mr. Toshinori told him that bullfighting was a thing in other countries and had described one to him). 

Instead of facing the man head on, he plunges for the knife, rolls on the ground and gets back onto his feet, getting into a stance Mr. Toshinori had taught him during their training. The man whirls back around, letting out a scream. 

"Stop fucking squirming!"

 Izuku takes a slow, deep breath and angles his knife towards the man, the blade glinting. The wind is still going on around them, blinding and wild. He can still hear the growling of wolves, ready to rip Izuku apart the moment they get a chance. 

He wonders why they didn't just attack him now but figures it's probably a thing they were trained to do. Maybe he can teach Mr. Toshinoris dogs to fight someday too. He gets one clean hit to the side of the man's neck, leaving him as he goes towards the man slowly bleeding out. 

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