- Chapter 63 -

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-About a couple minutes before- 


He gets out of the forest, now in the town. There still aren't many people around, no one even out in the streets. He shifts Mr. Salmon in one arm to use his other to get the paper out of his pocket. 

He looks at the address that is posted on the paper and follows it. He gets a little lost, but he eventually gets there. The house is a small cabin sort of hidden by the trees. There is a fence around it, and flowers at the front. 

He goes to the door and knocks on it before waiting a couple of seconds. Almost immediately, there is a loud bang, crash, and the sound of footsteps running towards the door. The sound makes Izuku alerted, thinking that someone got injured trying to answer the door. 

Mr. Salmon doesn't look bothered though, playing with Izuku's hand with big red eyes, clawing at it and biting it. He hears a latch lift and then the door opens with a creak. 


 A little boy pops his head out, big brown eyes looking at Izuku. The only thing he can see is his face and the messy brown curls on his head. Izuku gives him a polite nod.

 "Hello, I-" 

"Mr. Salmon!" 

The little boy opens the door wide and runs towards him, getting his cat from his arm and hugging the animal tightly. 

"I missed you so much!" 

He shoves his face in his fur and the cat paws at his hair, finding that more interesting than the reunion with his owner. The boy looks up at Izuku, a big smile on his face. 

"Thank you so much for bringing him home! I don't know what I would have done if I lost him!"

Izuku shakes his head, glad to see that the cat is safely returned to his owner. 

"It's no problem at all." 

Izuku can see inside of the house now that the door is wide open, and it reveals the piles upon piles of items inside, only in the doorway. The little boy looks back inside the house, his cat tightly in his arms. 

"Well grandpa isn't home right now, and he has the money..." 

The boy turns back to him, face bright. 

"But I know where he is! We have picnic time right when the sun reaches that part of the sky! We haven't been able to go in a while, but maybe someone is helping him! Let me put Mr. Salmon in his bed first! Hold on!" 

With energy only a little kid could possess, the little boy speaks quickly and darts back into the house, the door slamming behind him. Izuku waits, fixing his gloves around his hands that had come slightly undone thanks to Mr. Salmon playing with them.

 Then, there are more crashes and bangs, and the door opens again. This time, the boy is alone and there is loud meowing coming from somewhere in the house. 

"Let's go before he runs away again!" 

He shuts the door and starts to quickly walk, Izuku following with ease. The kid is bouncing around excitedly, seemingly never running out of energy as they briskly walk. 

"My name is Riku! What's yours? Why are you dressed funny? Are you hot in those clothes? How did you find Mr. Salmon? Did you know my grandpa has tons of stuff in his house? I can't play with them though since they're important! Grandpa said I did a very good job writing the poster, did I? One time, Mr. Salmon was-" 

Izuku tries to keep up with his questions, only managing to make a few short remarks here and there. Though he gets the feeling that Riku doesn't really care about answers more than asking questions. 

They continue walking, only getting faster and faster the more excited the little boy gets, until they are both full on sprinting. 

"Race you!" 

They run through trees and stumps, Izuku keeping a close eye on the boy as the two of them race. Then, he sees a white blur go past them, and turns back. Riku jumps, letting out a small squeak, but not stopping his run, only going faster. 

"Ah! What is that?!"

 Izuku turns back and sees Fenrir running towards them, his tongue out and light in his yellow eyes. He slows to a stop and gives the wolf a small pet when he runs past. Riku stops running, finally out of breath, watching Fenrir run past them again. 

Realization reaches the boy's eyes, and he starts to run again. 

"This is mine and grandpa's spot! Come on!"

 Izuku follows, walking behind him as the trees stop and a small hill is in front of them. On top of the hill is an old man sitting on a chair, a brown top hat on his head. 



He sees Katsuki standing on a red blanket set on the grass next to the chair, and waves. The blonde stares at him in confusion, though of course it's more like a glare. 

"What the hell are you doing here Deku?! Weren't you supposed to be looking for the damn cat?!"

 Izuku walks up the hill, Fenrir already running around again. 

"And weren't you supposed to be guarding while someone chopped down wood? Why are you having a picnic?"

 Katsuki grits his teeth, and his glare is turned back to the old man. 

"He's the one who fucking lied about the job! If i had known i was going to be fucking around, I would have gone and got the cat instead!" 

The man's attention is turned to Izuku. He is given a beaming smile, the man's hand on top of the boy's head. 

"My apologies if I caused any trouble! I only wanted protection while we went on a picnic!" 

Riku glares at Katsuki, sticking his tongue out at him. 

"Don't yell at my grandpa you jerk!"

 "What the hell did you say, you fucking brat?!"

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