- Chapter 17 -

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The man glances back to the corner Izuku was previously looking, and his features harden slightly. Then he looks back, the fire crackling between them, and doesn't say anything. His eyes are scanning Izuku's face, looking at every little detail.

Izuku looks back. If this man could train him, then he would surely be able to handle the snow and the storm and anything else that would come his way. He would be able to avenge his mother and finally put her to rest in the way that she deserves. 

He would be able to reach his goal. They sit like that for a while longer before the man speaks again. 

"You have a fire in your heart, young man. A fire that will not be let out until you reach your goal, yes?"

 Izuku nods and the man hums, speaking every word with a slight pause, like each word is a heavy stone set to pave the path of Izuku's life. 

"Well clearly, you will do what you have to do to reach it. Me seeing you half dead in the storm was more than enough proof." 

Izuku thinks the man already knows what he wants to ask.

 "So, I will train you while you are here, so that you could survive on your own and reach your goal." 

He already knows that the debt he has to this man is extremely great, but he would be more than happy to pay it all back when he gets the chance. He will train and drag that organization to the ground so that they all will rot. 

Rot so that no one else will have to go through what he did, and rot so that his mom can rest in peace. The man holds a bony hand up, and Izuku can see the bone of his arm bulging out under the thin cover of flesh. 

"Now hold on. You can't go into it right away. First, you must take a couple of days to rest and get your bearings. There is no use training if your already so fatigued."

 Izuku feels the pounding of his heart slow down, and he unclenches his hands that he didn't notice were gripping the fabric of the blanket. Mr. Toshinori just lets out a booming laugh, before coughing loudly into his arm again. 

Izuku watches the whole scene with concern, though the man just turns back to him like nothing happened, still smiling. 

"You remind me of me when i was young. Full of spirit and drive." 

The man stands and goes to Izuku, patting the top of his head. 

"You will get far." 

With that, Izuku watches as the man shrugs on a coat bigger than himself and goes towards the door.

 "Rest. I will be out for a bit."

 Izuku doesn't ask where he is going, the warm feeling of the man's hand on his head still lingering when he lays back down to fall asleep. He hears the door open and feels the cold wind brushing against his lower body, and then the door slams shut, and it stops. He closes his eyes.

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