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Saturday afternoon ・❥・

One month later

Blanche walked out of her first birthing class, feeling excited. The class turned out to be better than she expected and was now feeling a little more comfortable with the idea of motherhood. Speaking of mothers, hers had been blowing her up for the past week but frankly Blanche had nothing to say. So every time she'd call, Blanche ignored it. She was still traumatized and hurt by her mother choosing her addiction over raising her and Blanche couldn't ever see herself forgiving her mother for that. She spent so much time in her teenage years trying to navigate milestones and obstacles without the guidance and support of a mom, so Blanche didn't feel as she needed her now to navigate through motherhood. She rubs her belly, I couldn't ever think of doing that. The love she felt for the seed growing inside of her was pure and she didn't understand how her mother's love was not the same.
"I'm glad to hear you excited about the class." Grey tells her bringing her back to reality. She was on the phone with him, telling him how well it went. Grey was supposed to come but at last minute got a call from Zenobia, that Zora needed to be picked up from school because she wasn't feeling well. Grey was happy to hear Blanche was starting to have a change of heart.
          During the first few months of her pregnancy, he could see the trauma of the loss of her child, linger in her eyes whenever they spoke about their child's future. It was completely understandable and Grey couldn't imagine losing a child that way. Which is why he was making it his mission to handle her ex nigga, whether she wanted him to or not. Grey could feel the anguish and sadness radiating off of Blanche some days and tried to carry some of that weight for her, but Blanche, at first, wouldn't let him in. Now they were at a place in their relationship where Blanche felt more comfortable allowing Grey into the deepest parts of her mind. The past couple of months between them, Grey had proven to Blanche that he was a man of his word. Sometimes, she was still in awe of how nurturing he was. Some days, Blanche had to pinch herself to make sure she wasn't dreaming.
"Same." She replies, trying to locate her keys but she was having trouble finding them in her purse as walked to her truck in the seclude section of the parking garage.
       Unaware of her surroundings, Blanche didn't notice the figure standing in the shadows, watching her like a hawk. Finally locating her keys, Blanche hits the unlock button as the figure in the shadows steps out slowing creeping up behind her.
"I'm gonna grab me some food then head home. Are you coming over tonight?" Blanche informs Grey, but before she could hear his reply, her phone was quickly snatched out of her hand. She swiftly turns around and seeing Indie as her face frowns up in confusion and instantly becomes annoyed.
"What the hell are you doing? Give me my phone back!" Blanche says, trying to grab her phone out of his hands. He wickedly grins at her before slamming her phone on the ground and shattering it.
"What the fuck is your problem?" Blanche shouts, staring down at her phone in a million pieces.
"You thought you could keep ducking me and I wouldn't catch yo ass?" Indie smoothly asked, ignoring her rants.
"This nigga is so fucking delusional." Blanche mumbles to herself. She didn't have the time or energy to deal with was Indie's irrational ass and unfortunately for Blanche, Indie had caught her slipping. She was without a bodyguard or her gun today. So Blanche knew to choose her words carefully. Anything could set him off and Blanche was ill prepared for a quick get away. The one thing she did have was pepper spray, but it was in the middle console of her car.
"Why can't you just let it go? I've moved on and you need to do the same as well." Blanche pleads, unconsciously rubbing her belly, but then quickly moving her hand away before he could notice. If Indie didn't care about the safety of the child he thought was his, Blanche was sure he didn't care about the safety of a child he had no connection to.
The thought of him endangering another child of hers caused panic to fill her heart and her palms become sweaty as that memories of that night play through her head. Unfortunately, Indie caught the gesture, glancing at the pudge in her belly and becoming infuriated.
"Yo hoe ass let that nigga get you pregnant?" Indie roars, moving closer, making Blanche take a couple steps back as she rolls her eyes at his comment. She was slowly inching towards her car. If she could just make it to her middle console, she could pepper spray his bitch ass and make her get away.
"If I'm such a hoe, why do you keep fucking harassing me?" Blanche rebuts, "Why not leave my hoe ass alone and and focus on your wife?" For the life of her, she couldn't grasp why he couldn't just let it go especially when he had a whole fucking wife at home. Besides after all the shit that went down between them, Blanche didn't understand why he'd thought she would ever go back to him. Nothing about her screamed weak bitch. So she was confused on why Indie was acting like she was. However in Indie's sick little mind, he thought she was protecting him because Blanche never told anyone about that night. If she did, he'd be 6F by now. He knew it and she knew it. So because she didn't, Indie took it as Blanche protecting him because she still loved him.
        He snidely chuckles, licking his lips, "Cause yo hoe ass belongs to me. Ain't no movin' on." Indie declared, grabbing her wrist and pulling her into him.
"Indie, let me fucking go!" She fusses, trying to pull away, but he overpowers her, slamming her into the side of her truck. She flinches in pain as her heart rate increases.
"Stop fighting it." He whispers into her ear, moving her hair from her neck and placing a kiss. Her skin crawled from the feel of his lips and his breath on her neck.
"Indie, please don't." She whined, trying to wiggle herself out of his grip, but his strength immobilized her as his hands roam down her torso stopping at her belly.
"I would hate for you to lose another child cause you don't know how to listen." He viciously whispers in her ear and rubbing her belly. Fear plagued her as she struggled to reach for the handle of her car door. Just the thought of losing another child at his hands caused her heart to shatter. Blanche couldn't let him take another part of her away.
        Finding the strength, she knees him hard in between the legs causing him to stumble back. Blanche quickly opens up her car door, opening up the middle console.
"Ima fuck yo ass up." He barks, wincing in pain and lunging towards her, grabbing her leg. Blanche frantically fumbles around in her middle console, trying to locate her pepper spray as Indie forcefully tugs on her leg, trying to drag her out of the vehicle. Finally locating the pepper spray, Blanche turns, spraying him directly in the eyes, kicking him off with her free legs as he shouts in agony. Slamming her door, Blanche hits the locks, starting her car and speeds off.


     Later that even, Blanche laid on her couch, trying to forget about her day, yet her run in with Indie kept replaying through her mind. She was thanking God a ton for keeping her and her child safe. She couldn't imagine what would've happened to had to her if Indie's plan had succeeded. Blanche wipes a tear from her eye, taking a deep breath, trying to shake off the thoughts. She was itching to self medicated to take the thoughts away and ease her mind, but the baby in her belly kept her from doing so. She'd needed something though, cause her nerves were on ten and her anxiety was through the roof. Just thinking about her child being hurt, brought tears to her eyes. The look Indie had in his eyes caused a chill down to flow down her spine. It was clear ignoring him wasn't the solution but playing God didn't sit right with Blanche. It was the part of the game she'd never like. However, Indie was forcing her hand. The safely of her child was more important than him staying alive.


A loud banging on her door, catches her attention causing Blanche to jump. She sighs deeply, trying to pulling herself together before getting up and opening the door, already knowing who was on the other side of the door. Once she'd gotten home and set up her new phone she'd purchased after fleeing Indie's attack, Blanche sent Grey a text letting him know she was home. He called a bunch of times after that, but truthfully she wasn't in the right mindset to respond. She was already under enough stress and anxiety as is.
        Blanche opens the door and Grey bolts into her apartment, roughly grabbing her and examining her from head to toe. "Yo what the fuck happened? I been blowing you up all day!" Grey spats confused to why she suddenly hung up and stopped answering her phone. Blanche was still shook up from Indie's attack earlier, so Grey being rough with her only put her more on edge. She couldn't tell Grey what really happened without him wanting to kill Indie and Blanche knew she should just tell Grey the truth but she wasn't trying to put him in as situation where he'd end up in jail and worse, dead. So Blanche created a lie about what happened earlier and was sticking to it. After Indie's attack, Blanche found herself in AT&T purchasing two new phones. The story was the she distracted looking for her keys, dropping her phone in the street and a car ran over shattering it. It was a simple yet believable lie. At least, Blanche hoped it was. Especially after having to destroy a completely new phone just to make her story seemed more real.
"Grey, stop!" She shouts, unintentionally snapping on him and releasing herself from his hold and going to take a seat on the couch. Grey stares at her like she was crazy, following her to the sofa. He was stunned that Blanche was being so cavalier about the situation. Her disappearing on him for hours in the middle of a call, only had his mind going to two places. She was either cheating, which he highly doubted, or something more serious happened and Blanche wasn't trying to tell him.
"Fuck you mean chill, B?" Grey angrily presses, "What the fuck happened to you?" He grabs her chin, examining her and becoming irritated. Blanche swats him away, blowing her breath out.
"I'm fine, Grey. I just dropped my phone earlier, that's it." He sucks his teeth, not believing her.
"Where's the phone?" He presses. Blanche rolls her eyes in response, getting up from the couch of grabbing a both phones off the counter. She tosses the broken one into his lap.
"Happy?" She sarcastically asked, holding up the new one. Grey chuckles, rubbing his beard and examining the broken phone. It was obvious he wasn't getting the truth about whatever really happened and because he didn't have any real evidence, Grey had to take her word for it. However, he was mentally placing a reminder on this moment.
"Ima have to be. You're clearly sticking to your story." He replies, rising from the couch and handing her to phone. 
"Let me tell you this though, Blanche." He grimly starts, "I find out you lyin', it's over for that ass." He says, tapping her on the temple before disappearing into her bedroom.

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