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Thursday afternoon・❥・

            The next day, Blanche was waiting at the warehouse, waiting for Juice to make the drop. It was about that time of the month again where they procured Grey's services to clean some unmarked bills and since Power was busy taking Kenia to her doctors appointment, Blanche had to take the reigns today. The further along she got in her pregnancy, the more everything literally drained the life out of her. She needed to take her doctors advice and just relax, so she planned on letting her father know, for now she couldn't partake in the family business. Her phone starts ringing and Leena's name appears on her caller ID. She slides the answer button, picking up the call.
"Hey Leena." Blanche said.
"Hey girl, what you up to?" She greeted her back.
"Nothing at all girl." Blanche vaguely stated. Lately. she was overly suspicious of Leena. She had a strong gut feeling Leena was the reason why Indie knew where she was that day and if her assumptions were right then, Blanche couldn't trust her with any type of information about her life or whereabouts.
"Oh okay. What you been up to? I feel like we haven't been talking as much lately."
"Mhm," was all that Blanche said.
"Mhm what?"
"I don't know girl. You tell me. You've been acting real funny." Blanche admitted. There was not point of beating around the bush anymore more. She had to know the truth it Leena was the one who gave Indie information about her whereabouts. I mean she was the only one who knew about the class and the way she always came to defense when Indie was the topic of conversation had Blanche looking at her sideways.
"I know. It's just things have been weird between me and Press." Leena lies.
"Sure." Blanche unconvincingly replied, "Let me ask you something though?"
"What's up?" Leena inquired.
"Do you know how did Indie would've I be at that hitting class?" Blanche obscurely questioned.
"Nah girl." Leena replied quickly as her palms began to sweat. She knew all the details of what happened between Blanche and Indie because after the incident Indie came over and took his rage out on her. Leena had been avoiding Blanche for that very reason but also because she felt like a shit friend. But Indie was the supplier of her fix, so unfortunately Leena was choosing to pick sides with the person that kept the monkey on her back.
"You sure girl?" Blanche asked not believing her.
"Oh wait, you know what? He was in the car with Press and I that day you called asking about the class." Leena said backtracking. Blanche scoffed, shaking her head.
"And you didn't think that would've been important to tell me?" Blanche barked, becoming angry.
"I didn't think anything of it. I don't see what the problem is." That last thing Leena would do was confess the truth. She knew doing so would damage her friendship forever with Blanche if she did.
"The fucking problem is that nigga tried to hurt me and my child!" Blanche yelled with gritted teeth and Leena gasped, pretending to be shocked.
"I'm sorry B, I didn't think he would try to hurt you. He just said he wanted to talk to you." Leena cried.
"Man fuck out here with that bullshit Leena. You knew I didn't want around that nigga but you still allowed him access to me? What type of fucking friend does some shit like that?" Blanche continued. Frankly Blanche didn't ever believe Leena was capable of doing some shit like this to her. Of course, Blanche wasn't oblivious to the imbalances in their friendship, especially when it came to men nor was she oblivious to the shade Leena threw her way whenever a nigga was involved, but shit, Blanche thought it was only a insecurity thing. Not a fatal friendship flaw however it was mighty clear whose side Leena was on.
"I know." Leena whined, "I wasn't thinking straight. You don't know what type of pressure I've been under lately, B."
"So the fuck what. That's not an excuse to betray your friend for someone nigga you don't even know!" Blanche continued to yell at her as Leena silently cried back through the phone. Blanche wanted to have some sympathy for her, yet she couldn't find it in her to do so. Leena putting her and her child's life at risk was the ultimate betrayal and there was no coming back from that.
"Why does your shit always matter more than mine?" Leena questioned hurt, making Blanche pause. "You're never there for me anymore. Not since you got with that nigga!" She argued. Blanche scoffed, shaking her head in disappointment, "So that's what this is all about? You jealous over a nigga who didn't even want you?" She quizzed.
"No, you're missing the point!" Leena answered.
"Then what's the fucking point?"
"You always get what you want Blanche and everyone loves you. You don't know what it's like to be always over looked and then you find someone who only sees you but you screw it up because you're fucking damaged." Leena admitted, between sobs. Blanche released a long sigh, feeling conflicted. She knew exactly what Leena meant. Her secrets she kept from Grey could ultimately end them.
"Look I get what you're saying, Lee." Blanche said as her tone softened, "But what you did was wrong. You don't understand the hell that nigga put me through and you allowing him access to me knowing I wouldn't be okay with it, means I can't trust you right now." Blanche admitted honestly. It was obvious Indie had Leena convinced he was a good guy, but Blanche knew better and she wouldn't allow herself to be caught off guard again by him just because he had Leena fooled.

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