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Sunday afternoon ・❥・
12:34 pm

      Grey and Blanche road the elevator in silence. The rest of the drive Grey sat quietly with a sinister mug on his face and his attention focused on his phone. Blanche was trying to give him time to cool off so she could explain and get him to understand things from her point of view but it didn't seem like he would be coming around to that any time soon.
The elevator opens and they walk down the short hallway, reaching her door. Blanche puts the key in and is immediately greeted with a shouting Talia and Kenzie yelling. "Surprise!"
"What's all this?" Blanche questions, glancing back at Grey. He ignores, walking off and her going to her room to place her things down.
"Grey called us and told us what happened. So we planned this little girls night for you to relax. He got all your favorites." Talia says, waving over to the counter with a assortment of food. Blanche's face turns into a frown feeling guilty. I really don't deserve this nigga, she thought to herself. Here she was hiding shit from him while he continuously went out of his way to make her happy.
Grey comes back out, making his way towards the front door. "You're leaving?" Blanche asked sadly.
"Yeah." He dryly replies, holding the door handle as her face turns into a pout. It was obvious that Grey was angry with her and frankly she couldn't take it.
"I'll call you tomorrow to check on you." He tells her.
"You're not coming back tonight?"
"Nah ma." Blanche scoffs, rolling her eyes.
"Fine, whatever Grey." He lowly chuckles, brushing off her attitude and leaves.
       Blanche goes over to the couch, plopping down, trying to keep her emotions in check. But it was no luck because a tear ran down her check.
"What's wrong girl?" Talia asked as her and Kenzie rushed over to hear side. Blanche tries to stop her tears, but they keep pouring out of her as she sniffles, taking a breath deeply clearing her noise, before explaining the past two days to her friends.
"Girrrl!" Kenzie exclaims once she was done. "If I was Grey, I'd been doing yo ass the same way too." Kenzie says, taking Grey's side. Blanche rolls her eyes in response.
"You're supposed to be on my side." Blanche argues.
"I am, but you can't be keeping shit like that from a nigga, especially a one like Grey." Kenzie retorts.
"Right cause best believe some nigga try some shit like that with me, I'm immediately calling my daddy and Brick." Talia states in agreement.
"Okaaay!!" Kenzie says in agreeance,"Then show up to his funeral acting like I didn't know what happened and put on a academy award winning performance." She continues, faking wiping tears.
"You're fucking psycho." Blanche tells her, snickering a little and wiping her eyes.
Kenzie shrugs, "Sometimes crazy only understands crazy."
"Yeah well. I was hoping the situation would just die out and it wouldn't come to all that." Blanche replies.
"Mhm, well unfortunately that's not the case. So what are you gonna do now?" Talia concernedly asked.
"Ima let Grey handle it. I'm too pregnant to be dealing with Indie's drama. Plus this isn't the first time Indie has done some shit like this." She states. Blanche hated for it come to that, but clearly Indie wasn't going to take the L and walk away so maybe brut force was necessary.
"Girl, what you mean?" Kenzie interrogates, "He's ran up on you like that before?" Blanche bites her lip unsure of her next words.
"He's the real reason I lost my baby." She quietly admits, feeling her chest tighten. Kenzie and Talia both gasp, shocked by her confusion. It was the first time she was telling anyone the complete truth about that night. Grey knew but only certain parts and Juice knew she lost their child, but Blanche never told either of them the complete truth. It was a lie she was trying to take to her grave. She didn't think Grey nor Juice could handle the truth and that last thing she was trying to do was make shit even more awkward for their business together.
"B," Kenzie softly says, touching her hand.
"I'm fine. It was in the past." Blanche utters, trying to blow it off that it didn't affected her, but her friends knew better.
"Why didn't you ever tell us?" Talia asked.
"Because," Blanche starts, clearing her throat, "I don't know. I guess I just didn't want to look weak or stupid. I mean, it wasn't like that nigga was beating on me."
"And look don't tell Grey this." Blanche starts, taking a deep breath, "But it wasn't Indie's baby."
"Girl, then who was the baby daddy?" Kenzie rebuts and Blanche takes another breath, preparing herself for the bomb she was about to drop of her friends.
"Oh my God!" Talia whispered speechless and Kenzie falls back into her seat with a look of shock on her face, "Ohh you sneaky bitch, I knew you was fucking that nigga." She says eyeing Blanche suspiciously. Blanche laughs, shaking her head at Kenzie's comment.
"Emphasis on the was, Ken."
"So I take it you never told Juice either?" Talia probed.
"Hell fucking no. That nigga would've killed him."
"So what? Indie deserves that shit. Cause best believe if he was capable of endangering you and your child, then who knows how far he would have tried to take it." Talia tells Blanche.
"Shit, I think we found out already," Kenzie says, "How did he know where you were gonna be anyways?"
"I don't know. It was a class Leena took when she was pregnant."
"You don't think?...She wouldn't right?" Talia calls into question, hinting at Leena being the culprit of how Indie knew about Blanche's whereabouts.
"I mean with the way she's been acting lately, who knows?" Blanche uncertainly responds.
"I would hope her ass would have the decency to respect girl code." Kenzie adds.
"That bitch doesn't have a decent bone in her body." Talia snidely insisted. Blanche, on the other hand was wishing her suspicions weren't true. She wouldn't of, right? She hoped that their bond was strong enough to avoid such shady treachery. If Leena was a culprit then Blanche would have no choice but to feed her to the wolves with Indie.

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