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Thursday morning

      The weather in Los Angeles that morning was gloomy and overcasted. A chilling breeze swept fog all over the city and an unsettling feeling lingered in the air. Death was near and as Press's casket sat in front of the crowed church, his loved ones eyes were filled with tears and grief in their hearts. Of all the guests, Leena felt most grief and an unhealthy amount of guilt. His death was something she never foresaw coming and she was having difficulties cope with the fact that she was the one to blame. Staring at his body lay lifeless in the casket was a reminder of all the bad she'd done that lead her to this moment. The secret she'd been keeping about Press's death was slowly eating her alive. He deserved so much better but, Leena was unfortunately under the influence of a stronger presence, a drug addiction. An addiction that had her doing things she never knew she was capable of.
"I can't believe my baby is gone." His mother sobbed. Leena grabbed her hand, trying to comfort her and pretending to be the doting girlfriend. It was something Leena gotten good at lately. Putting on an act to deceive the one's closest to her.
Leena glanced around the church, searching for Blanche but hopelessly, she didn't spot her in the sea of faces. She knew she hadn't been the best of friend to Blanche lately, but frankly she needed her support and for her to be here. Her not showing, added more anguish onto Leena's soul. However Blanche couldn't make an appearance, no matter if she wanted to. Being in the same room with Indie wasn't a risk she was willing to take and she knew if she showed up to Press's funeral without Grey's knowledge, it wouldn't end well. She was already on his shit list and Blanche wasn't trying to make things any worse. So she ordered a flower arrangement for his service and sent her regards in spirit.
"I know, it's not fair." Indie piped in and making Leena discreetly roll her eyes in disgust. He sat on the opposite side of Press's mother with his arm draped around her shoulder. His presence and behavior was on view for everyone to see, so Indie was putting a little extra on top to keep up appearances. Him and Press had been friends since childhood and being any other way would raise suspicions. To sweeten the cake, Indie covered all of the funeral cost as well. But Leena knew the truth to why he was trying to overcompensate. They were both to blame for Press's demise, she thought, thinking back to that night...

Leena was sitting at home that night, waiting for Indie after lying to Press that she wasn't feeling well and wouldn't be able to come over tonight. But in reality, she was more preoccupied on re-up on her supply. So when Indie had called her letting her know he was stopping by with her favorite bag of candy, she immediately canceled the rest of her plans for that evening. A feign was gonna be a feign and Leena fit the definition of that to a T. It had gotten to the point where most nights, Leena left her child in the custody of her mom or sister. The drugs had turn her into a neglectful parent.
A knock came on the door, letting her know that Indie had arrived and Leena rushed to the door with a quickness, immediately opening it.
"Hey." She greeted him slightly breathless from running to the door and letting him in.
"You got the stuff?" She asked, skipping the small talk. Indie chuckled with a lick of his lips by her eagerness. He knew the power he was slowly gaining over Leena and like a trust narcissist, Indie was enjoying every moment of it. He didn't even feel guilty for who he was betraying in the process. He did try to warn Press before getting to serious with Leena, but Press didn't head his warning. So Indie felt no remorse for his actions.
"Yeah, but you know what it's gonna cost you." He replied, enticing her and holding up one of the baggies filled with white powder. He takes a seat on the couch, waiting for Leena to put in work. She comes over, getting on her knees and into position as Indie unbuckles his belt. His eyes close and his head falls back enjoying Leena's throat game. They were both consumed in the act, that neither of them heard Press entering through the front door. Like the doting boyfriend he was, Press came over to check on Leena and take care of her while she was sick, sadly though, was he walked into broke his heart.
"Yo what the fuck?" Press shouted, stunned and outraged. Leena jumped up, whipping the remnants from her mouth, and rushing to Press's side. She tried to touch him, but he quickly moves away looking at her with pure disgust.
"Don't fucking touching me. You fuckin' this nigga? My best friend?" Press interrogated trying to make sense of what he just walked in on. Indie lowly chucked, feeling a second hand embarrassment for his friend and fixing his clothes. Indie knew what Press clearly didn't, never try to turn a hoe into a housewife. Indie learned that lesson with Blanche and wouldn't be fooled again. But he planned on getting his payback and use Leena in the process to fulfill it.
"I catch you with my bitch and you think this shit is funny, my nigga?" Press questioned, pulling his gun out from his waistband. Truthfully, Press was hurt finding out the two people closest to him were sleeping around behind his back, especially Indie. They'd been rocking for majority of their lifetime and he didn't understand how a nigga he called his brother could deceive him over some pussy.
"Press calm down!" Leena shouted, getting between them. His face screwed up, glaring at Leena with nothing but hate. There would be no forgiveness for this.
"You protecting this fucking nigga?" Press pointed the gun at Leena, making her halt in fear. She could see the hate in his eyes, were love use to once be, feeling her heart break into two. Leena wished she could've pressed pause on her actions but the devil was stronger and every time she gave in, lead her further away from herself. In this moment, she realized she gone too far to come back from.
"No! Just let me explain!" Leena frantically urged, but Press didn't want to hear it. There was nothing left to say. He forcefully pushed her aside, focusing his gun back on Indie.
"My nigga, think about what you doin'." Indie calmly stated, as they glared each other down. Press's nostril flared at his best friend's cavalier vibe. He obvious lack of remorse only infuriated Press even more. This couldn't of been the same nigga, he'd been breaking bread with and calling his brother for all these years.
"I did." Press replied, releasing the trigger on his gun, but Indie's draw was quicker and he released the trigger shooting several rounds into his best friend's chest. Leena let out a loud shriek, watching Press's body fall to the ground and blood spill from his mouth. She rushed to his side, trying to apply pressure on his wounds, but it was no avail. Press was dead.
"What did you do?" She whispered, tears flowing out her eyes and feeling his soul leave his body. Instantly her world felt like it was coming crashing down around her. Press deserved so much better and Leena didn't think her choices were worth it now. An innocent life was lost because of her selfish behavior. An innocent life of someone who she loved.
"Stop your fuckin' crying." Indie harshly said. He felt nothing about killing his best friend. In this game it was eat or be eaten.

The pastor began his sermon, snapping Leena back into reality. He spoke on about how Press was a good man taken to soon from this world, but Leena's focus was was completely consumed with the itch she was trying to ignore and scratch, yet it was growing stronger by the minute. Since Press's death, Leena was trying to go cold turkey. However, the grief was overwhelming and frankly she didn't want to feel any of it, at all anymore. Unfortunately, for her, her demons had won because soon as Press's casket was loaded back into the hearse after the service, Leena found herself, disappearing to the restrooms. She locked herself into one of the stalls, pulling the white baggy out of her purse before pouring a little on her hand. She pauses momentarily, staring at the substance feeling a bit of guilt, but pushes it out, snorting the powder deeply and, feeling a euphoric rush flow through her entire body. Her mind became numb and her senses became dull as the drug flowed through her system. The thoughts that were loudly screaming in her mind came to a cease, finding release from the effect of the cocaine. She takes another bump before coming out of the stall and cleaning herself up. Quickly she reapplies her lipstick, before exiting the restroom.
Outside the restroom, waited an enraged Indie. Leena didn't see him coming as she walked out the restroom as he roughly grabbed her by the arm, forcing her into the secluded hallway. Her heart jumped out of her chest, seeing Indie.
"Please let me go." She desperately pleaded, trying to release herself from his grasp, but he tightened his grip on her arm.
"Then stop fuckin' playing' and do what I asked." He viscously demanded.
"I can't."
"You can and you will." He said, moving closer and pinning her against the wall.
"Why are you doing this?" Leena begged. She didn't get what else Indie wanted from her. He taken all that she had to give.
"You know fuckin' why." He demanded through clenched teeth, poking her forehead forcefully.
"I can't do what your asking, Indie! Blanche isn't even talking to me after finding out what I had to do with your finding her that day." She stressed. What Indie was asking for Leena to do, she would never be able to come back from. If she betrayed Blanche's trust yet again for Indie their would be zero chances of salvaging their friendship. Leena saw a glimmer of hope that night she called Blanche to come over after Indie killed Press.
"You think I give a fuck? You're gonna find a fuckin' way or you and your baby will be layin' in the dirt next to Press's cold body." Indie wickedly threatened, sending a frightened chill up Leena spine as she began to cry.
"Don't fuckin' cry now. If you're smart you'll do as I say. You know I always make good on my promises." Indie said, before kissing her cheek. It felt like a kiss of death making Leena fear for her and her child's life. Indie shot her one more warning glared, before leaving her alone in the hallway. She fell to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.
Unknowingly, a few feet away, in the darker section of the hallway, Juice watched the scene unfold. He came to the funeral inconspicuously to track Indie after finding out about Press being killing. Juice was trying to put the pieces together and discover who was the culprit or if there was another player in the game. If so then Juice wanted to find out who. However, he came across something even better. Juice didn't hear what was said between Leena and Indie, but he knew from the body language, there was something going on and whatever it was, wouldn't be good for Blanche or her child.

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