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Sunday afternoon
2:13 pm

       The games for the baby shower begun and Leena sat at one of the tables with Priya and Kiyanne, watching on with envy filling in the pit of her stomach. She hated that she felt this way towards Blanche but she couldn't help it. Blanche always seemed to get her way when things for Leena never worked out. It was unfair and Leena was sick of feeling like Cinderella of the pair. Which is why when Indie started flirting and giving her the attention she desperately needed, Leena stupidly feel for it. She was over feeling like she had to compete with Blanche and thought that if she won Indie's heart, she would've finally beat Blanche at something for once. However things got messy when her fling with Press grew into something more and Leena found herself caught in between two best friends. So much regret lived in Leena's heart these days, that she had to constantly numb herself to it all and she was blind to the fact that Indie was controlling her with the drug, keeping her incoherent and needing his supply. Her sick obsession with trying to one up Blanche is what placed her in the predicament and killed Press. She had no one to blame but herself.
      Leena gets up from the table and makes her way inside the house, and into the bathroom. She locks herself in, placing her hands on the counter, and exhaling a deep breath, hating herself for what she was about to do. She didn't want to, but Leena had no choice. Indie was forcing her to be apart of his plan, whether she liked it or not. Unfortunately for her, she had choice but to obey. Indie had that type of control over her. He was the devil in disguise.
Taking out the small white baggy from her purse, she pours a little of it on her hand and stares at the powdery white substance for a moment, before deeply snorting it and the tension from her body subsides. She snorts another line then quickly fixes her appearance in the mirror and exits the bathroom. Leena then discreetly makes her way to the front door and goes outside, spotting Grey's truck behind Blanche's and quickly makes her way over to his truck. Using the device Indie gave her, Leena unlocks Grey's truck and pulls out the gun Indie used to kill Press.
       Leena's hands were literally shaking as she took the gun out and the memories of Press dying replayed in her mind. Never did she think she would be betraying her best friend like this, but yet her she was. The drugs hold a deep hold on Leena and she wasn't strong enough to fight off the demons that grasped her mind whenever she was sober. She hated herself for what she was doing and could literally hear her heartbeat as she wrapped the gun in a scarf and placed underneath the driver seat, setting Indie's plan in motion before disappearing down the street. Whatever was happened now, Leena prayed that Blanche would one day be able to forgive her.

       The afternoon soon turned to evening as the baby shower began to die out. All day Grey tried to fight the need of being close to Blanche, but the more he watched her waddling around, made the urge to be near her, that much stronger. Their child might have not been created from love but it grew in it. Even with these few months apart, the love didn't fade, it only grew stronger. Which made Grey wonder if giving it a second chance was worth a shot.
Blanche sat the table talking to her girls as Grey came over, interrupting with a tap on her shoulder. "Come here, ma." He commanded, holding his hand out. Blanche hesitated monetarily, but placed her hand in his as he led her out to the dance floor.
"What are you doing?" She asked, confused.
"Dance with me." He suggested, pulling her into him and wrapping his arms around her waist. Her belly placed a gap between them as she placed her arms around his neck.
"I didn't know you knew how to dance."
"There's a lot we don't know about each other, ma and I think that's the problem."
"What do you mean?" She questioned.
"I mean if this is gonna work, I need honestly ma. No more lies." He answered. The last few months without her around, made Grey realize how much he'd gotten used to Blanche's presence in his life and frankly he didn't want to go another moment without her.
         After last night, Grey realized he wasn't completely done with Blanche. Being with someone else didn't feel right and he couldn't help but to think of her in the midst of it all. Reign was a cool chick, but Blanche had his heart and yeah he wasn't happy with finding out she lied, but maybe with a little TLC, they could get back to where they once were. It was clear what he felt for her wasn't going away anytime soon.
"I can agree to that, Grey. I promise. Whatever you want to know." Blanche adamantly replied. She wanted nothing more than to get back into good grace's with Grey and was willing to do whatever it took to made him see that she'd fucked up by withholding the truth from him.
"How bout' I come over tonight and we talk?" He suggested, rubbing the small of her back. Blanche nodded her head in agreement. She didn't want to get her hopes up, but it was the first time in months she saw a small glimmer of hope for their relationship.
   Instantly, the baby shower was interrupted by a team of cops swarming into the party causing immediate chaos. "What's going on? This is a private party." Carter grilled, demanding to know why they had stepped foot onto his property. He had his connects in high places including, the LAPD, and if things were hot, Carter would've known. So he was confused by the intrusion.
"We have a warrant for the arrest of Mr. Grey Bailey." The cop stated and Blanche's stomach dropped in fear hearing those words come out of the officer's mouth. This can't be happening, she thought, feeling like her world was coming crashing down around her.
"On what grounds?" Carter asked.
"He's being charged with first degree murder of Press Coleman." Blanche glanced at Grey in shock. He denied his involvement in the passing of Press and Blanche believed him, so she didn't understand why they were arresting Grey for killing Press. She instantly looked around the party in search of Leena, but didn't spot her. Ryder was still here so she didn't know where Leena went.
"Grey..." Blanche softly said in distress.
"Don't worry, ma. I ain't do that shit. I love you okay? This ain't nothin' to worry about. Everything will be okay." Grey reassured her kissing her on the lips then placing his forehead against hers as a tear fell from her eye.
"I love you." She replied sadly, feeling hopeless before a officer came over, placing Grey into handcuffs. This day was turning out to be one of the worst days of her life snd a dark cloud formed over Blanche as she watched Grey being escorted out and a dreading sense of doom filled in the pit of her belly. If Grey went to jail, Blanche didn't know how she was supposed to raise their child without him. When she decided to take this journey again, she never imagined Grey not being involved and she didn't think she could handle it without him.

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