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Saturday morning・❥・

Blanche groggily wakes up in a dim hospital room, coming out of the sedation the doctors put her under. She glances around the room, noticing Grey slumped over in the uncomfortable hospital chair, zoned in on his phone, texting. Terror begins strikes her not knowing if she was still pregnant or not. Blanche touches her belly, feeling the pudge. Which was hopefully a good sign.
"Grey." She hoarsely tries to call out. He glances up, seeing Blanche awake and immediately goes over to her.
"How you feelin', ma?" Grey concernedly questions, rubbing her head.
"Water." She croaks, reaching out. Grey holds the cup up to her mouth, helping her to sip the water through the straw.
"What happened? Is the baby okay?" She asked.
"Yeah, ma. Everything is okay. Let me go get the doctor and tell her your awake." Grey tells her before leaving the room. Blanche lays her head back, replaying all of yesterday through her head. As much as she tried to downplay shit, Blanche was realizing that Indie's attack affected her more than she letting on. This is all his fucking fault, she angrily says to herself. She was now starting to wonder if continuing to stay silent was the best for her and her child. Blanche couldn't keep risking the safety of her well being just because she didn't want to play God. At this point, her hand was being forced.
"Blanche, what happened?" Carter says, rushing into the room.
"Daddy, what are you doing here?" Blanche asked, confused. She tries to lean forward, but winces in pain. Carter being her next of kin got a call from the hospital informing him that Blanche was there.
"I got a call from the hospital." He replies as the doctor enters the room.
"I'm glad to see your awake Ms. Grambling." The young black female doctor says, coming over to her bedside, holding a clipboard.
"How are you feeling?" The woman asked, taking out a flashlight, and checking her pupils.
"Fine, I guess." Blanche dryly replies.
"You should be better than fine. You and your baby are lucky—" The doctor begins but is quickly cut off by Carter.
"You're pregnant?" He asked, stunned. Blanche slowly nods her head as the doctor continues.
"You lost a lot of blood. We're running some test just to everything looks fine, but you're going to have to take it easy. Stress isn't good for a pregnant woman."
Blanche nods her heads okay as the doctor leaves the room and Grey enters.
"What's he doing here?" Carter questions confused, looking at Blanche then Grey then back at then. Blanche nervously bites her lip, avoiding eye contact. "Um daddy. There's something I've been meaning to tell you." Blanche meekly says. Carter deeply sighs, staring at Blanche. He already knew the answer for his question before he even asked it. He was furious and wanted to scold her but Blanche being his only child kept him from doing so. Plus the timing wasn't right, especially after hearing what the doctor just said.
"You really know how to make a mess of things, B." He disappointingly replies, staring at Blanche as her head drops in shame.
"How long?" Carter sternly asked.
"A few months." She quietly whispers, "But I swear daddy, I didn't know and then I found out I was pregnant the day of Z's birthday." Carter sighs deeply, rubbing his forehead.
"So what was your plan, Blanche? Hide your pregnancy until it was too late?" Carter press and her head drops in guilt, remaining silent. She couldn't take his scolding and hated disappointing her father, but it wasn't like Blanche went out of her way to make a mess of things. Messy shit just happened to her unwillingly.
"I take it Zenobia doesn't know then?" Carter probed, starting between the two of them.
"No." Blanche answers in a whisper voice.
"She knows I have a child on the way. But doesn't know it's B." Grey speaks up, coming over to Blanche's bedside and grabbing her hand. Carter watches the gesture, seeing the look of bliss in his daughter's eyes, knowing at the moment there was nothing he could do. It was obvious the relationship between them was too deep to end it now. Especially with a child on the way.
"I need to speak to my daughter for a moment." Carter says to Grey, while staring at Blanche. Grey nods his head, leaving and giving them their space.
Carter takes a seat, contemplating and rubbing his beard. "Juice know you pregnant?" He asked.
Blanche sucks her teeth hard and her eye lids glitter upwards, "Why is everyone so concerned about Juice when I'm the one that's pregnant?"
Carter shoots her a knowing look, "You know why. This relationship between you and him," Carter says pointing to door, "can ruin our entire operation. Jealously and business don't do well together, Blanche."
"Daddy, I promise you it's not that deep between Juice and I anymore and besides he knows already."
"Yeah but does Grey know about Juice?" Blanche remains quiet, avoiding eye contact.
"I take that as a no." Carter says, answering for her, "Look, B, I get that you're young and enjoying your life but you can't be playing with niggas hearts. The only way your relationship is gonna work is if you be honest. Don't keep that nigga in the dark." Carter candorly says.
"Now tell me, how long until I meet my grandchild?" Carter questions, changing the topic and lifting some of the negative weight off the room. Blanche smiles, rubbing her belly.
"In about 6 1/2 months hopefully."
A knock on the door caused them to glance up.
"Yo B, there's a lady here to see you." Grey says, entering the room. Blanche watches the guest step from behind Grey becoming enraged.
"What's she doing here?" Blanche says through gritted teeth at her father.
"I called her."
"Why? I've been to the hospital plenty of times and you've never called her before. I didn't need her then and I don't need her now." Blanche tells her father harshly and loud. She wanted her mother to hear and feel every word she said.
"Blanche, stop!" Her father sternly exclaims. She rolls her eyes, folding her arms over her chest and pouting like a little girl.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of came. I wasn't trying to cause a problem. I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Her mother softy says.
"You should've just stayed away like you've been doing." Blanche sarcastically says under her breath and her father cuts his eyes at her as the nurse comes into the room.
"Just wanted to let y'all know visiting hours will be over in ten minutes and only one person is allowed to stay." The nurse says before walking back out.
"Grey can stay." Blanche rudely announces, ready for both of her parents to leave. Her mother being here would only bring Blanche more stress. Her mental couldn't take anymore. She was already in the hospital because of it.
"Fine we're leaving." Carter says, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead. Blanche rubs it off like a five year old and Carter chuckles at her stubbornness, "I'll call you tomorrow." He says to Blanche, then turns to Grey.
"I'll be in touch." He firmly tells him, stretching out his hand.
"No doubt." Grey, replies as they shake hands.
"It was nice meeting you." Grey says to Rose, Blanche's mother.
"You as well, young man and I hope to speak to you soon Blanche." Her mother replies taking one last look at her daughter before her and Carter leave. Rose was hated that her daughter wanted nothing to do with her, but she knew she was the only one to blame. But Rose prayed that Blanche would one day understand the choice Rose made long ago when she gave Carter full custody.
        Once they were gone, Blanche takes a deep breath, leaning her head back, trying to keep the tears from streaming down her face. Crying in front of others wasn't something she was comfortable doing.
"You good, B?" Grey concernedly asked and Blanche rubs face.
"I will be. I'm just tired and want my bed." She says and Grey nods understandably.
"Scoot over, ma." He says nudged her and lifting the thin hospital sheet. She moves over making room for him. Grey lays down, pulling her body into his. He rubs her head as she comfortably rest on his chest. His energy soothed her and soon she was off to dreamland.

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