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Friday evening・❥・

"And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear. Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my


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       Blanche danced around Grey's home, singing her while she cleaned, as she felt like she was floating on a cloud

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       Blanche danced around Grey's home, singing her while she cleaned, as she felt like she was floating on a cloud. It was these small moments of bliss, she found within herself, that was slowly healing her soul from the continuous past traumas she'd endured. Some days all she needed was her favorite playlist, an amazing surround sound speaker to blast music from and singing her little heart out, feeling whatever emotion that flowed through. The front door opened as Zora ran through the door, coming to greet Blanche.
"Hi B!" Zora yells, twirling her tiny hips to the song.
"Hi Z." Blanche replies, ruffling her wild curls, "How was school?" She asked her, turning down the music.
"Borringg!" She exclaimed dramatically.
"You're a mess, child." Blanche responded in between laughter.
"Daddy said you were here, but I didn't believe him."
"Why not?" Blanche asked and Zora shrugged.
"Yeah, you thought was lyin', Junie." Grey says, entering through the door carrying her backpack and a few grocery bags.
"Now where's my money?" He teases Zora making her huff as she crosses her arms over her chest and plops down on the couch.
"But Daddy, I don't have no money!" Zora protest, with a little pout on her face.
"Then why you make a bet knowin' you ain't have no bread, shorty?" Grey quizzed, continuing to taunt his daughter. She rolls her little eyes. Blanche snickers watching the interaction between the two of them.
"Z, daddy's just messing with you." Blanche tells her coming over to her on the couch. She sits down, placing Zora in her lap.
"Don't listen to her. I want my money." Grey jokes, disappearing into the kitchen and then coming back into the living room, bag free. He joins them on the couch, softly massaging her neck, before leaning in and giving her a kiss.
"Ew daddy." Zora groans, pushing him away from Blanche as they both laugh. Blanche wipes her lip gloss from his mouth.
"Why can't I kiss B?" Grey quizzed and Zora shrugged, staring at Blanche belly for a moment before she reaches out and softly touches it. Grey and Blanche glance at each other.
"Is there a baby in there?" Zora questioned, glancing up at Blanche. She nods her head yes.
"Can daddy tell you something?" Grey said to her.
"Yeah." She replied, waiting to hear his response.
"You're gonna be a big sister." He tells her and her face frowns up in confusion.
"But mommy's not havin' a baby." She retorted. Grey chuckled.
"Nah, not your mommy. Daddy and Blanche are having a baby." Grey confesses as Zora's face signals her processing the information.
"Your havin' a baby with my daddy?" She asked Blanche as if Grey didn't just tell her exactly that.
"Yeah, Z. What do you think of that?"
"Is it a boy or a girl?" She inquisitively questioned.
"We don't know yet." Blanche answered.
"Well yes to a girl and no to a boy. Boys are icky." Zora says.
"Daddy is a boy." Grey reminder her.
"Exactly daddy." Zora replies, matter of factly making Blanche snicker as Grey stares at his laughing astonishingly.
"Come here, smart ass." He says, grabbing her off the lap and tossing her into the air. Zora yells, laughing hysterically. Blanche watches them with a smile on her face, feeling overjoyed as she feels a weird butterfly sensation in her belly, then a kicking.
"Ooh." She says, touching her belly.
"What's wrong?" Grey asked.
"The baby is kicking." She replied.
"I wanna feel!" Zora yells, coming over to her. Blanche places Zora's hand on her belly and Zora giggles feeling the baby kick. "Hi, I'm your big sister." Zora says to Blanche's belly before kissing it. Blanche looks at Grey in shock. He leans down, placing his hand over Zora's. "I love you, ma." He tells her, before lifting her chin and kissing her gently.
"I love you more." Blanche says, kissing him back.


Sunday afternoon

"Yo Junie, come downstairs. You're mom is almost here!" Grey shouts to Zora, from the bottom of the stairs. Zora comes down the stairs with Blanche following behind. They spent the entire weekend together, playing house and Blanche was starting to get used to the idea of having her own little family with Grey.
"Zenobia is on the way here?" She asked, stopping at the top of the stairs.
"Yeah." Grey said. Blanche bit the inside of her cheek, feeling her nerves in the pit of her stomach. Blanche had been avoided Zenobia because she was unsure of how she was going to take the news about her and Grey.
"What's up?" He asked, noticing her demeanor.
"Nothing." Blanche said, continuing down the stairs.
Grey pulls her by the wrist into him, with her back agonists his chest. He wraps his arms around her waist, placing his face in the crook of her neck.
"Tell me." He urged. Blanche sighs, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I haven't talked to her since my dad found out and I know she knows by now. I just don't want shit to get awkward." She admitted. Grey runs his hands down her back and gripping her ass, placing her against his hardness.
"Ain't shit to worry about. We already talked about it." Grey said.
"A couple of weeks ago."
"Why didn't you tell me?" She huffed in frustration.
"I didn't think I had to." He shrugged off and Blanche sucked her teeth, rolling her eyes. Grey wanted her always to be honest, but here he was doing the exact same thing. However Blanche decided to not bring it up, especially because she hadn't come clean about the other night with Juice nor the truth about their relationship. Lately though, that secret had been causing her more stress than it was worth. She wanted to come clean, but was unsure of how Grey would take it.
"What did she say?" She pressed.
"Nothing bad. She congratulated us and seemed cool with it." Grey added. Blanche exhaled, relieved at little and hoped the was the truth as the doorbell rang.
"That's Zenobia." He said before going to answer the door. Blanche went to sit on the couch, fidgeting with her nails hearing Zora greeting her as Zenobia's voice got closer and she entered the living room.
"Hey." Blanche awkwardly said as she came into view.
"Hey B." Zenobia replied back.
"C'mon Junie, let's go get your stuff." Grey said, picking up Zora and taking her upstairs.
"How have you been?" Blanche asked, unsure of how to begin the conversation. Her huge belly was the obvious elephant in the room, waiting to be addressed.
"Girl, how have you been?" Zenobia said, breaking the awkwardness and pointing to her belly. She comes over to the couch, sitting next to her.
"Girl." Blanche said, sighing and rubbing her forehead.
"Girl." Zenobia repeated shocked and staring at her belly, "I can't believe your pregnant." She said, laughing in disbelief and reaching out to rub her belly, "And by my baby daddy at that...well shit our baby daddy now."
"I know, it's fucking crazy." Blanche replied, laughing too. She was glad Zenobia was taking the news well. Things could've played out very differently.
"Out of all the niggas in LA." Zenobia said, shaking her head.
"I said the same thing. I honestly had no clue Grey was Z's dad."
"How could you? Even your dad didn't know who he was."
"So you're really okay with this?" Blanche asked in disbelief.
"Girl yes. Like you said, you didn't know. How could I be mad? I'm not gonna lie, it is a little weird though."
"More than a little." Truthfully, Zenobia was glad it is Blanche and not some random girl like she thought. She knew Blanche loved her daughter and would treat her like one of her own, so there was nothing to be worried about. Zenobia was happy for both Grey and Blanche, especially Blanche knowing her drama with Juice.
"I gotta ask," Zenobia looked over her shoulder, lowering her voice, "Does he know?" Blanche lowered her head in shame and shook it no.
Zenobia rubbed her temple, exhaling, "Girl."
"I know." Blanche regrettably replied,
"Do it. Before it's too late." Zenobia warned, vaguely. Zenobia didn't know if Grey was listening so she was avoiding saying too much. But Blanche knew exactly what she was referring to and as much as Blanche tried to ignore the guilt she was feeling all weekend, it wouldn't go away. Sooner or later she was going to have to come out with the truth or the universe would do so for her.

Authors note:
Yall can thank Hilary for all this writing I'm doing. This weather has me wanting to do nothing but write lol

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