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Monday night

@GeeBailey: 🔒

       "What are you doing?" Blanche questioned Grey, hearing the snapping of a picture being taken as she stepped into the shower

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"What are you doing?" Blanche questioned Grey, hearing the snapping of a picture being taken as she stepped into the shower. Her and Grey had just returned to his home after a little date night and she was more than ready for a shower and bed. Her body was exhausted, but her mind ran rampant. The more Blanche kept the truth from Grey, the more she felt full of regret.
"Mind yo business, nosey." Grey teased, posting the picture to his Instagram story, before placing his phone down on the counter. Blanche sticks her tongue out at him in response.
"Keep on before I stick something in there." He flirtatiously warns.
"I double dare you." She entices as she begins washing her body. Grey winks at her before exiting the bathroom and entering his bedroom.
           He hears her phone ding, letting him know she had received a text. He wasn't the type to look through phones and typically worrying about who the person he was dating, was texting, wasn't a issue. However, the fact that it was after midnight, made him skeptical and Grey was starting to discover that Blanche had a shady side. He hated to do it, but he needed to know if she was withholding any more information he probably should've known.
         Unfortunately for Blanche, his curiosity got the best of him and something was telling him to check it out. Grey goes over to the phone placed on the nightstand next to his bed and reads a text message from Juice.

Juice: Aight, i'll be there. You tell yo nigga yet?

Grey's face screws up in confusion, instantly triggering his suspicious side as he unlocks her phone. He briefly reads the text message thread between the two of them, seeing the message where Blanche planned to meet up with him in a few days. Usually he wouldn't have found it shady, especially since she claimed they were only friends, however it was the message of Juice telling her how he would always love her and Blanche saying it back, that did it for him. Anguish completely took over his body and his mind began to pieces things together. Grey had his doubts about the nature of their relationship, but seeing the messages between them, confirmed it all. Blanche had been lying to his face the entire time and that right there stung, deeply. He found himself planning their future out while she was busy confessing her love for the next nigga. Damn, he thought, shaking his head disappointingly, taking a sit on the edge of the bed. He had his suspicions about them since that night he saw them together in the club, but pushed it aside because Blanche said it was nothing. However Grey should've known better than that. Women like Blanche always had a nigga tucked away somewhere and knowing she had lied about her past with not only one but two niggas, had Grey convinced her never really knew her.
Hearing the shower turn off and Grey waits for her to enter the bedroom. "There somethin' you need to tell me?" He immediately interrogated as she entered.
"What?" She cluelessly responded, grabbing the lotion of his dresser.
"You heard me." He demanded, as his voice raised a couple octaves as she turns around, facing him, hearing the tone of his voice.
"Grey, I have no clue what your talking about." Blanche said, completely lost to what he was hinting to. He tosses her the phone and she drops the lotion, catching it and reads the message from Juice, feeling her heart drop.
"It's not what it looks like." She says quickly, trying to defend herself. Grey sarcastically chuckles, massaging his beard, not believing her words because he saw everything with his own eyes and she couldn't lie her way out of this one, this time.
"Tell me what it looks like then, B." He calmly demanded as she chewed on her bottom lip, nervously. Blanche was unable to read his body language which only made it that much harder to come out with the truth because she didn't know how he would react. She had plenty of times to tell Grey truth, yet she chose not to every single time. She couldn't just come right out with it, without Grey believing she was a liar, even though that's exactly what she was.
"I promise it's nothing." Blanche pleaded stepping closer towards him, but Grey gets up from the bed, moving across the room.
"That don't sound like an explanation to me, ma." He retorted, tired of her beating around the bush. It was only of her many flaws, avoiding telling the truth and handling her shit, like the grown ass woman she claimed to be. He should've known. She was young and still obliviously figuring out who she was and who she wanted to be with. It was clear to Grey that whatever the nature of their relationship was, never of them weren't trying to let it go. Grey wouldn't stick around and wait for Blanche to figure that out. If she wanted the next nigga, then she could go be with him. Grey wasn't willing the type to share with any nigga.
It was all or nothing.
"I know what it looks like, but I swear to you Grey, it isn't that." She pleaded, trying to convince him of her side. He released a pissed off chuckle, glaring at her with so much distain.
"That's funny cuz it looks like to me, you're in love with that nigga." He retorted.
"I'm not!" She loudly urged and he shot her a yeah right look.
"Then why the fuck you telling that nigga you love him?!" Grey shouted back.
"It's not like that."
"Mann, fuck outta here with that, Blanche. You keep saying it's not like that instead of telling me what it really fucking is! Just be honest for fucking once!" Grey spat. He was waiting for to tell him the truth for once, but for some reason she couldn't just come out with it, which only made him furious even more.
"Promise you won't hate me, Grey." She pleaded, mournfully staring into his eyes.
"Unfortunately ma, I could never hate you." He truthfully and sorrowfully replied, making her feel like the worse person in the world. Blanche released a large exhale, feeling like she was about lose one of the best things that happened to her.
"Juice was the father of the baby I lost." She voiced, just above a whisper and Grey remained silent, taking her words in. He had multiple follow up questions but mostly was why she just didn't tell him the truth from the beginning? Especially when he asked multiple times. Blanche hiding her relationship with Juice, from him only made her look suspicious and guilty, convincing Grey she'd still wanted to be with Juice. They shared trauma bond only either of them could explain or understand. Grey knew she still hadn't completely healed from the death of her child and it was clear she hadn't moved on from her child's father, either.
"Grey say something, please." She begged, unable to take the silence and his head shook disappointedly.
"What's there to say Blanche? You lied to me. Multiple times." He responded hurt, but trying to mask it.
"It didn't mean to. I just didn't know how to tell you the truth but I wanted to. You have to believe me, Grey. I don't want him. I want you."
"Then what was it like, ma? Cause I saw the messages. How you tellin' another nigga you love him, but say you wanna be with me? Make it make fucking sense, ma. Cause I'm not understanding that shit."
"I don't love him like I love you." Blanche said, moving closer towards him, gently touching his cheek. His nose flared and Grey moved her hand. Blanche was a master manipulator and if she was close to him, she might've been able to melt some of his resolve away and Grey couldn't allow that in this moment. He was getting the truth of Blanche and Juice's relationship one way or not.
"If you love me, then tell me the fucking truth Blanche!" He shouted as his voice roared through the room. Blanche fixed the towel around her body, nervously sitting on the edge of the bed.
       She fidgeted with her hands, trying to come up with the right words. She couldn't just tell him about their kiss the other night now without seeming like she was sneaking around his back this entire time.
"It's obvious you still in love with that nigga or you would've been honest from the beginning." Grey responded, tired of waiting for Blanche to come out with the truth. "And you had me up in this nigga's face the entire time without sayin' one fucking word?...You love him?" He painfully asked and they stared at each other as a million thoughts ran through their minds.
"It's complicated." She huffed in frustration, rubbing her temple.
"Then make it un-fucking-complicated." Grey demanded. His voice was cold, sending a chill down her spine.
"I don't get what you want me to say." She said, continuing to run from the truth.
"I want you to say the fuckin' truth!" He yelled again. Blanche prepared herself before speaking, "It's complicated between me and Juice. He was my first everything but he cheated and it fucked me up. So I got with Indie to get back at him and then shit just got out of control. Then you told him the truth about what happened that night..."
"So you lied to that nigga to?" He quizzed cutting her off. Blanche sighed as her head dropped in shame. Grey scoffed, shaking his head in disgust. She wasn't only lying to him, but to everyone around her.
"I couldn't tell him without him wanting to react like the same way you did."
"So you hid the truth about his child from that nigga? To what protect some bitch ass nigga who put his hands on you? That shit don't make no sense, ma."
"I never said it did, Grey. But fuck, I was going through a lot and wasn't thinking straight." He chuckled, sarcastically.
"You still ain't thinking straight, cause if you told me the truth from the beginning, shit would different. But now I can't trust you, B. You straight up lied to my face. Several fucking times."
"So what are you trying to say, Grey?" Blanche quiz, not wanting to hear the words she knew were coming next. He stayed silent for a moment.
"I don't know. Maybe we need a break so you can figure yo shit out, ma."
"There's nothing to figure out, Grey!" She yelled, trying to convince him.
"There is cause you wouldn't be telling that nigga you still loved him, if it wasn't the truth and until you figure that out, this won't work." He responded voice filled with pain, before walking out of the bedroom, and going downstairs and out of the house. Blanche felt the tear drop from her eyes, watching him walk out. She didn't know how but she had to get Grey to understand that she was all in. Whatever feelings she had for Juice, were completely over powered by everything she felt for Grey. Blanche just had to find a way to convince him of that.

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