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Sunday afternoon ・❥・
12:34 pm

         Ash sat in her living room that morning feeling a mix of confusing emotions as she held the positive pregnancy stick in one hand and her phone in the other opened to an email from work offering her a new position and promotion at their New York office. She exhaled deeply unable to figure out her next move. On one hand she wanted to tell Grey the news, but it was obvious they whatever they shared was over. Ash tried reaching out to him a couple days ago after his Instagram post announcing he was having another child. Ash wanted to hear it directly from the horse's mouth. She felt she at least deserved that, but Grey ignored every one of her calls. So now to just randomly drop some news on him about her being pregnant as well, didn't sit well with her. Frankly Ash didn't think Grey wasn't going to believe her and that she just came up with the pregnancy plot to trap him or for him to deny being the father of her child, which wasn't the case at all.
           Grey had been the only man she slept with in over a year. Ash didn't believe in have multiple sexual partners. There were too many factors that came with that. Plus with Grey it felt like they were building something real one day, so she had been content with their friends with benefits ordeal, until recently. Ever since Grey meet this new chick, Ash peeped his shadiness and distance. At first she wasn't willing to let him go so easily, but now Ash had someone's else life in her hands and she knew what it was like to grow up with a parent only concerned about keeping a relationship. She'd be dammed if she did the same with her child. If she was going to have this child, she wanted to be the best version of herself she needed to be and chasing down Grey wasn't going to help her get there.
      Dialing her bosses number, Ash nervously bounces her knee, waiting for her to pick up.
"This is Beth."
"Hey Beth, it's Ash. I've finally made my mind up about the new position and I think I'm going to take it." Ash tell her.
"I'm so glad to hear that. You will be a wonderful addition to our NY branch. I'll get the paperwork started and send you a couple of our apartments we have available for you to look at."
"Okay great. Sounds good. I'll talk to you soon." Ash says before disconnecting the call. She rises from the couch, going into her kitchen and grabbing a bottle water out the fridge. Taking a sip, Ash says a quick prayer. She hoped the choices she was making now, wouldn't affect her child in the future. Ash hated that her and Grey couldn't take this journey together, but Ash wasn't willing to risk her child coming in second place. She'd rather put in over time being the mommy and daddy.


      "So we've ran all our test and it's seems that everything is okay with your and your baby. But I highly suggest that you spend your remainder time resting and staying away from anything that causes you stress." The doctor tells Blanche, handing her the discharge papers.
"She won't be doing anything more than lifting a finger from now." Grey says, answering for her and the doctor laughs. Blanche playfully rolls her eyes.
"I'm not handicap. I just need to take it easy." She says signing the papers and handing them back to the doctor.
"That's good to hear. I'll have to nurse wheel you out." The doctor says and leaves the room. The nurse brings the wheelchair over to the side of the bed, helping Blanche in as Grey packs up her few things.
Soon they are downstairs in the hospital front entrance. Grey helps her in before sliding the nurse a couple bills and climbing into the truck.
     "I'm ready for a shower and my bed." Blanche tells Grey once comfortably inside his truck. She reclines the seat back, putting her feet in his lap as his driver pulls off. For a moment, they ride in silence as Grey massages her feet.
"So you ready to tell me what really happened yesterday." He says breaking the silence.
"What are you talking about?" Blanche retorts, acting clueless. Their eyes challenged each other as Grey waited for her to tell him the truth. She sighs, breaking his stare, looking out the window before glancing down at the hospital wristband. I can't keep protecting this nigga, she says to herself. She knew she had to come clean and it was obvious Grey knew she was lying. How, was beyond her, but his ability to decipher through her bullshit was starting to get on her nerves. Besides Blanche was starting to realize it was the only way she was going to get rid of Indie. But it was hard to tell the truth when she had so many lies, wrapped into different stories, told to different people.
"You have to promise me you're not gonna get upset."
Grey shoots her a yeah right look, "I can't promise you that, ma. Whatever it was had you so rattled that you ended up in the hospital." She swallowed with anticipation, biting her lip.
"I ran into my ex yesterday." Blanche plainly says and Grey released a pissed off chuckle.
"You was really gonna hide some shit like that from me? Is that why your phone was fucking broke?" Grey pressed as his voice boomed. Thankfully, the partition was up but Blanche knew that didn't stop his driver from hearing him.
"Yes, he broke it and I had to get a new phone." Blanche says and replaying yesterday for him, leaving out the part where she bought two new phones.
"So yesterday when I asked you about it, you lied to me?" He asked, but it was more so a statement then a question because Grey already knew the answer.
"Yes," She shamefully replied, "But only because I didn't want you to make it into a big deal like you are now!" Blanche rebuts.
"It should be a fucking big deal! Anything could've happened to you or worse and I wouldn't of known cause you keep hiding shit!" Grey shouts back, making Blanche cower in guilt. Grey hated to lose his temper with her but she clearly wasn't understanding the severity of the situation. It didn't matter now though, because Grey was taking matters into his own hands. The nigga would be dealt with one way or another.
"I know and I'm sorry, but that's why I'm telling you now." He scoffs, mumbling something under his breath and shaking his head disappointingly at her.
"Yeah but not willingly." He bites back, "What's his name?"
"Indie. We used to do business together. I had Power on him for a while but with everything I got distracted and just hoped eventually he would get a clue."
"It's obvious that isn't happening, B. What's it gonna take for you to realize the nigga isn't gonna stop until either you or him are 6F?" Grey questions, trying get her to realize the bigger picture. Blanche stays silent, knowing that he was right.
"I see that now. But Grey, I don't want you to put yourself at risk. The nigga is crazy." He sarcastically chuckles.
"He ain't seen crazy yet and and if you think ima sit back while this nigga is putting your life and our child's life in danger, then your crazy."
"Grey.." Blanche pleads.
"Nah, ma. I don't wanna hear that shit. Cause it doesn't matter now." Grey says, pulling out his phone. "That nigga won't be breathing when I'm done with him." Blanche sighs, staring off into space. For the safety of her child, Indie had to reap what he was sowing. Blanche couldn't continue being his guardian Angel. Any karma that was brought onto him was all of his own doing and it was finally time Indie get a taste of that.

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