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Sunday night
8:43 pm

            Indie sat in his hideout, reading the text message from his informant about the news of Grey's arrest as a wicked grin formed on his face. His plan was perfectly falling into place and soon Blanche would be left vulnerable with no one left to protect her. Using Leena to set up Grey for Press's murder was only part one of his plan because Indie was looking to make her new nigga pay in the worst way. After his stash houses were raid, almost wiping him dry, Indie was left in a tight spot with his plug and stuck paying back the money for drugs that were stolen. However he had a plan on getting the money back, plus more. The next stage required Leena getting Blanche to a secluded location. His sick obsession with her had Indie wanting revenge on her for simply moving on with her life. It wasn't sane, but neither was Indie. He was a narcissistic, manipulator who sought to control those around him and him losing his grip on Blanche made him vindictive and angry. With the control over he had over Blanche, Indie was able to double his profit on his income from the drugs he was pushing. Plus with her being from a infamous cartel family, his stature in the streets increased. It's what attracted Indie to Blanche in the first place, but her demeanor and character is what kept him attached. She was young and moldable and Indie could turn her into whatever image he saw fit. Or so he thought. Blanche moving on and getting pregnant by another nigga put a wrench in Indie's plan and until he got rid of her child and nigga, he wouldn't be able to gain that control back over her.
Indie rose from the couch, sliding his phone into his back pocket. Leena sat at the counter, snorting a line of cocaine, high out of her mind. Little did she know was that Indie had be mixing the cocaine with heroin, make Leena more susceptible to follow his every word. Plus keeping her high and feigning for his supply, left her trapped and needing him. If Indie had a conscience, he would have thought twice about what he was encouraging, however he gave no fucks. Leena was only a means to an end.
He comes up from behind Leena, wrapping his arm around her waist. "It's time." He told her, placing a kiss on the nape of her neck. For months, Indie had been sinking his claws into Leena. It first started as some light flirting and eventually one night he made his move when he ran into Leena without Blanche, in the club. His woe'd her, impressing her with things only a bird bitch would easily fall for. Leena nodded her head okay, to high to verbally respond. Picking up her cell phone, Leena sent Blanche at text.

Across town, Blanche was devastated and feeling hopeless. Majority of her day had been spent balling her eyes out and she couldn't make sense of how Grey was arrested for Press's murder. She believed when Grey said he wasn't involved and hoped that this wasn't a side effect of the move Grey and Power had made a Indie. It was why Blanche avoided ever exposing the truth of her relationship with Indie in the first place. She knew how calculating and ruthless Indie was when it came to get getting even.
There was no news yet and she waited anxiously for her father to return back home from the police station. Zora and Ryder sat a couple feet away in the floor, playing, and clueless to everything that had occurred. Zenobia was in the kitchen on the phone with Grey's sister. There was one thing that Grey was right about and that was the fact that there was so much they didn't know about each other because until today Blanche had no clue Grey even had a sister. It was clear they never really took the time to get to know each other before be thrown into parenthood together. She was starting to think that maybe that was why their relationship failed in the first place. They spent too much time focused on the physical and not the mental. Her phone vibrates and she quickly picks it up, hoping it was news about Grey yet it was only a text from Leena.

Leena: Hey sorry about disappearing earlier. There was an emergency. Can you drop Ryder off?
Blanche: Grey got arrested. You can't pick him up?
Leena: Damn girl, I'm sorry to hear that and I wish I could, but Ronnie has my car.

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