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Sunday afternoon

         "So I was thinking the colors for your shower should be neutral or pastels, since you're waiting to find out the gender." Talia suggested, looking through her Pinterest board of saved baby shower ideas for decor and decorations. She and Blanche where home, relaxing in their living room. Talia sat on the barstool, at the kitchen window and Blanche sat on the lounge chair by the large window, staring out into the distance, not hearing a word she said. Blanche had so much on her mind, the last thing she was worried about was a baby shower. Her and Grey weren't even together anymore, so how she previously imagined it to be was now ruined.
"Hello earth to Blanche?" Talia fussed, coming over and waving her hand in front of her face.
"Huh?" She answered, turning her attention Talia.
"What you think about pastel or neutral colors?" Talia asked her, sitting down next to her.
"Sure." Blanche replied unenthusiastically, shrugging her shoulders, before resting her head on the edge of the lounge chair. Talia rolled her eyes.
"You could at least act like you care," Talia complained.
"Sorry Tal." Blanche replied, apologetically, "Honestly, whatever you pick is fine with me. I trust you girl." Blanche told her, giving Talia access to do as she pleased. Plus with Talia planning the shower, it was one less thing on Blanche's plate.
"Fasho. Should I forward my bill to Grey?" Talia hinted at with an eyebrow raise. Blanche blew a sharp breath, shrugging at the suggestion.
"Girl, I don't know. I can't tell what's on his mind lately but I'm pretty sure the last thing he wants to do is pay for a baby shower." She honestly said. Blanche couldn't image Grey still wanting to come now that they weren't together. Blanche didn't even know what they were to each other anymore. The other night left her confused and wanting so much more. Blanche missed him so much and sleeping without him at night was torture. She could literally still smell him on her sheets at night.
"It's that bad between y'all?" Talia pitifully asked and Blanche nodded yes. Talia took out her phone, going to her contact book, finding Grey's name and calling.
"What are you doing?" Blanche asked and Talia put her finger over her mouth, signaling her to be quiet as Talia put her phone on speaker, waiting for him to answer. Grey picked up on the fourth ring.
"Yo." He answered.
"Hey Grey, so I'm planning the baby shower for Blanche and I need to know do I forward the bill to you or her dad?" Talia asked coming right out with it. A silent moment passes before he responded.
"Let me know how much and I'll pay for it." He said.
"Okay cool. I'll send you the invoice." Talia replied before they hung up the call.
"Well there's your answer." Talia said, "It can't be that bad, if he's willing to pay." Blanche waved her off, not wanting to believe that.
"Tal please. I'm pretty sure the only reason he agreed is because of the baby." Blanche said not wanting to believe the hope Talia was trying to give her.
"Honestly if I wasn't pregnant, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be fucking with me. The only time he comes around is for doctor appointments and my birthing classes."
"Damn, it's been like that?" Talia asked shocked. Blanche nodded yes.
"So y'all ain't messing around?" Talia questioned .
"I mean, we hadn't for over two months but then he pulled up on me the other night. But he was obviously drunk, so I'm pretty sure it was nothing more than a booty call."
"Damn B, I'm sorry," Talia said surprised.
"Yep." Blanche replied blowing her breath as her phone began to ring. She glances at the screen as Leena's name appears. Her face screws up. She was confused to why she was calling her now. They hadn't talked since Blanche found out Leena was the reason why Indie was able to find her that day. She ignores the call placing her phone down next to her, but as soon as it stops ringing it begins again.
"Who the hell is blowing you up?" Talia asked.
"Girl, Leena." Blanche told her.
"Why she calling?" Blanche shrugged, clueless. The phone keeps ringing and Blanche groans, picking it up.
"What?" She rudely answered.
"Blanche?" Leena softly said. Blanche could her the tears in her voice.
"Yeah?" She asked, loosening her tone, noticing something was obliviously wrong.
"Hey, I know we haven't talked in a while and that's my fault, but I didn't know who else to call."
"What's wrong?"
"It's Press, B. He was killed." Leena told her sobbing into the phone. Blanche's heart broke hearing the devastation in Leena's voice and the news of Press dying.
"What happened?" Blanche concernedly asked.
"I don't know. He was making a drop and I guess some niggas robbed him. Indie just called me and told me." Leena explained, between sobs.
"Damn, I'm sorry to hear that." Blanche apologetically said, sad to hear that Press had been killed. She genuinely liked him and they built their own little friendship outside of Indie, so hearing of his passing hurt.
"Look I know I'm not your face person right now, but could you come over? I really need my friend." Leena sadly asked. Blanche chewed on her bottom lip, unsure if she should. She didn't trust Leena anymore, but wanted to be there for her friend.
"Yeah I'll be there. Give me an hour." Blanche told her before hanging up. Talia sucked her teeth, starting at Blanche like she was crazy.
"Press was killed." Blanche informed her, "And she asked me to come over."
"Girl." Talia said. Blanche heard the judgment, "Look I get that Press was your friend, but I don't think you should go, Blanche. You can't trust that bitch no matter how much you care about her." Talia warned her friend. Talia always saw the snake in Leena but unfortunately Blanche had been blinded because of their many years of friendship.
"I know Tal. I haven't forgotten about what she did. But I'm not just gonna leave her alone." Blanche said. She wanted to be there for Leena but at the end of the day, their trust was ruined, so being alone with her was out of the question. She would go see her but Blanche wasn't going alone. Picking up her phone, she sent Mouse a text.

      An hour and a half later, Blanche arrived at Leena's apartment. With her hand on the car door, she paused a moment before getting out of the car. Blanche felt a weird energy in the pit of her stomach and was hesitant with her next steps. Her and Leena had been friends since middle school and their friendship had expanded over 11+ years. Never did she think their friendship would've ended up filled with a broken trust and jealousy.
         Climbing out the car, Blanche waddled to the front door with Mouse in tow. She knocks a few times and it immediately opens. Leena stood in front of her, look disheveled and Blanche immediately felt her pain. She stepped to the side allowing her in. Mouse waited at the front door as Blanche entered, shocked to see the state of Leena's apartment. It was a mess and a weird smell lingered in the air. The dishes were piled up in the sink, the trash needed to be taken out and the coffee table had remnants of several days old take out spread across it. Blanche couldn't believe Leena's home looked like this.
"Thanks for coming." Leena sincerely told her, taking her previous spot on the couch. Leena was happy Blanche showed up, even after all that she had done. She was a mess trying coming to grips with Press's death and barely couldn't function.
"No worries." Blanche told her, cautiously finding a seat on the couch. Blanche glanced at the mess on the coffee table, seeing remnants of a powdery substance, making her radar go off. She knew Leena had a history of dealing with hard drugs, but never did she think it had gotten to this point. Blanche could tell by the look of her apartment that something deeper was at play here. Which made Blanche wonder if that was the reason for Leena's sudden change in behavior.
"Where's Ryder?" Blanche quizzed.
"My mom has him." Leena replied, laying down.
"So have you heard anything new?" Blanche asked, wanting to know more about Press's death.
"No. I just don't get why this had to happen." Leena mournfully answered, before she started to break down, crying into the couch.
"Me either." Blanche added, feeling remorseful. "But everything is gonna be alright...look why don't a straighten up for you while you go rest?" Blanche suggested. Even though she was still very angry with Leena, Blanche couldn't stay mad at her seeing the state she was in. Some shit just didn't matter when it came to someone losing a loved one.
        Leena nodded in agreement, making her way to her bedroom. Blanche pulled out her phone, calling a cleaning service, scheduling an immediate appointment. Then she began picking up Ryder's toys that were spread out through the apartment before calling Mouse in to help with the trash. Her phone begins to ring and she looks at the caller ID, seeing Grey calling. Blanche didn't know why he was, but was happy to see his name appear on her screen.
"Hey." She calm answered, trying to keep her nerves at bay.
"Where you at?" He immediately interrogated, making her eyes roll towards the ceiling. She hated that this was the space their relationship was in. Whenever they spoke lately, she could hear the mistrust in his voice.
"At Leena's. Press was killed." Blanche informed him.
"Damn I'm sorry to hear that, ma." Grey sincerely replied. Blanche went into Leena's bathroom, turning on the sink. She hated to ask this question, but she had to know if Grey was behind it. She knew he was up to something and the best way to get to Indie was through Press.
"You didn't did you?" She quizzed.
"Nah ma." He truthfully answered.
"Are you sure?"
"Don't think I'm the liar in this relationship." Grey rudely replies, making Blanche suck her teeth.
"Whatever Grey." Blanche hung up, placing her hands on the counter, and taking a deep breath. The weight she was feeling on her chest wasn't good for her or her child and if Grey was going to continue to be an asshole about the situation, Blanche had to come to realization that maybe what they had was gone for good and for the sake of her sanity, she was going to stop fighting it and him. She mentally couldn't take it anymore. If they were meant to be, they'd find their way back to each other one way or another.

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