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Sunday morning

       "You ready, B?" Carter asked, entering the room. Blanche sat at her vanity, touching up her make up. She was finally able to pull herself together after about an hour of balling her eyes out. The unexpected pop up by her mom completely threw her for a loop. On top of everything she was dealing with Grey and now this, Blanche was barely holding it together but she had to remind herself that no matter what happened in her life now, she had to learn how be strong for her child. She didn't want him or her to ever have to deal with a broken mother like she did. She had to focus on trying to heal and hopefully gain Grey's trust back. All she wanted was for her child to experience a better mother than she ever did and a happy home. Shit, she was still trying to pieces together her life after 10 years and that type of abandonment stuck to you, following you through every relationship.
"Yeah." She replied unenthusiastically. Carter frowned, noticing his daughter's sadness. When Rose asked him to allow her to speak to Blanche, he never thought it would have played out the way it did. He was trying to fill that void in Blanche's life that he knew he couldn't fill. Carter wished he knew that right words to say to make everything better, but like he learned years ago, there were only certain things a mother could handle. Which was why he allowed Rose an opportunity to speak to her in the first place. He was hoping it would help Blanche mend that emptiness inside of her.
She rose from the vanity chair, making her way towards her father as Carter wrapped an arm around her shoulder and placing a kiss on her forehead, trying to cheer her up. "Thanks." Blanche replied, smiling at him. She was more than grateful for her father. Blanche wouldn't ever admit it to her mother, but going to live with him, was the best thing for her. Carter was the saving grace in her life. Without him, Blanche didn't know where'd she be.
"C'mon." Carter said leading her out the room. When she got to the top of the stairs, Blanche saw Grey standing at the bottom of them talking to Power. Her heart rate speed up as he glanced up, feeling her presence enter the room, stunned with how beautiful she looked. Grey couldn't pull his eyes away as he watched her descend down the stairs. Blanche wore an all white, flowy gown and her belly was on full view. Her hair was styled half up, half down with wanded curls adorned with a floral headdress that matched the theme of the baby shower.
       Her palms became sweaty and nervousness filled in the pit of her stomach as she stepped down the last step on the stairs as Grey made his way closer to her and his cologne invaded her sense, making her weak at the knees. "Damn, you look beautiful ma." Grey spoke first, instantly forgetting about the current state of their relationship and pulling her into a hug. He placed a kiss her on the cheek as the photographer comes over, snapping a couple photos of them. They briefly get caught up in the moment, but reality struck making Blanche remember that they weren't together anymore and this moment meant nothing. She knew Grey was still angry, so she couldn't keep letting herself get caught up in these moments, especially if things were really over between them. There was too much at stake for them to be at odds: a child, her father's relationship with Zenobia and their business. Blanche knew that she was the cause of the damage in their relationship, however Grey wasn't playing fair by toying with her emotions. He knew she was still in love with him. Shit, he was too. Which was why all this was so difficult. Lines kept getting crossed because of feelings neither of them were ready to let go off.
      Blanche pulled herself out of his hold, coming back to reality. "Don't, Grey." She pleaded just above a whisper as her voice cracked. He heard it and it pulled on his heart. Grey hated to see her hurting but she lied to him, countless of times, when all of it could've been avoided if she just told the truth. Blanche had multiple opportunities but still chose not to and rebuilding his trust after that, wasn't going to come easy. But for Blanche, she didn't have the energy to deal with Grey's uncertainty. He couldn't keep telling her they were over, for him to turn around and have these intimate moments with her. It wasn't fair. Especially when she tried everything in her power lately for Grey to see all she wanted was him. She'd done that shit before and refused to wait on the side until he figured out where he wanted to be. She now understood what Grey meant about her feelings for Juice, which is why she cut ties with Juice since Grey finding out about their kiss. It was obvious she was going to have to make a choice, so she did, yet here they were still not back together. She didn't know what else it was going to take to convince him otherwise.
  Blanche walked away, heading towards the backyard to where the baby shower was set up. Talia and Kenzie had gone all out for their best friend's baby shower and with the limitless budget Grey gave them, they were able to put together one of the most lavish baby shower's ever. The huge backyard was decorated in white and accents of light blue, bohemian style decorations. It was obvious from the color selection that they were hoping that Blanche was having a boy, but she was deciding to wait until her baby was born to find out the gender, so Blanche didn't know if it was a boy or girl yet.

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