April 5, 2054

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Today me and Lee were having dinner when the ground below us began to shake. On Europa there is no need to worry about the weather, as the moon does not have its own atmosphere. While there is nothing to worry about in terms of weather, there is danger in the form of ice quakes and meteor strikes. Both are extremely active due to the powerful force of Jupiter.

We are unsure of what happened today. The shaking could have been caused by either, or a combination of both. I am hoping it was a meteor impact. That would make it less likely that there is a disaster surrounding the drill sight.

Based on the fact that we have not heard from the drill site, I am bracing myself for the worst. For now, Lee is busy trying to restore communications while I sit and worry.

He says there's a limit to how much he can do, however. As our communications are still going through smoothly between base camp and Earth the problem is likely at the mining site. For now, all we can do is wait and hope for the best.

At the very least I can still communicate with home. I would not want Dad and Diego to worry if I did not send messages for a few days. 

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