August 5, 2054

31 2 0

I am concerned about James' arm, but he assures me he is fine. The good news is he is able to move his fingers with no problem so I hope that means the damage isn't too bad.

To show me how okay he was he pinned me down this morning when we made love. I must say he makes a convincing argument.

We buried Lee today next to the rest of the crew. His death feels harder to take in than the rest, mostly because it seemed so unnecessary. Looking back, we should have never engaged with the man and tried to reason with him. Like my father always says, hindsight is a bitch. If I could go back in time, I'd change a lot of things in my life including my decision to go on this mission. It is too late to go back. All I can do now is ensure I make it home. Then maybe my opinion on all this will change when I can introduce Dad and Diego to James.

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