June 29, 2054

25 2 0

Today when Lee was busy talking to our friend the dragon man Commander Hunt approached me in the cafeteria. He'd come to apologize about the way he's been avoiding me. It was not the drop down and confess your love for me scene I was hoping for, but for now I can accept the apology. It is a step in the right direction.

I feel like that man must think he is dying to break away from being the commander nonstop. We have been here for months, and he never gives the serious personality a break.

Speaking of breaks Diego broke his arm playing baseball. Apparently, Dad had decided to wait until now to tell me, but this had happened two weeks ago. They waited to tell me until after he had surgery to realign everything and everything went well. They felt it would cause me less worry. They are wrong.

I get the gesture but when you don't tell me about things when they happen, I have to worry about what is being hidden from me as well. I asked that in the future they tell me right away when something like this happens. I already know they won't.

At this point I cannot wait to see them again. Four years cannot pass by quick enough. Especially now that there simply isn't much left to do here anymore, I find myself thinking a lot about what I want to do when I am home. So many of our teammates lost their lives up here. I feel like I have to take advantage of my luck and do something with mine.

After our night on the submarine, I thought that life would maybe include Commander Hunt, but perhaps not. I was really hoping we would become a thing but seeing that it's been weeks and he still barely talks about it I don't have high hopes. Still, even if it is not with him when I come home Diego will be graduating high school, meaning I will have a lot more time to go on dates.

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